Research Journal :: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
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Research Journal :: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
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Pengaruh jarak tanam dan pemangkasan tanaman pada produksi dan Mutu benih koro pedang (canavalia enziformis)
(2013-12)Jack bean potentially as a substitute of soybean. Increasing value of jack bean requirement of good quality of seeds. Availabelity of good quality seeds must be supported by teknology of production. Prunning and planting ... -
Validasi Metode Analisis Kolesterol dalam Telur dengan HPLC-ELSD
(2013)Metode analisis kolesterol dalam telur menggunakan instrumen kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (HPLC) yang dilengkapi dengan detektor evaporative light scattering (ELSD) divalidasi dalam penelitian ini. Kolom silika dan ... -
Teknik pangkas akar untuk meningkatkan produksi bibit melinjo Bermikoriza
(2013-12)Mycorrhizal symbiosis is the result of mutualistic interactions between plants and fungi. Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) naturally associate with ectomycorrhizal Scleroderma sinnamariense and Scleroderma sp. fungi. Artificial ... -
Ketahanan Pangan dan Gizi serta Mekanisme Bertahan pada Masyarakat Tradisional Suku Ciptagelar di Jawa Barat
(2013)Budaya memegang peran penting dalam ketersediaan pangan masyarakat dan pola konsumsi, yang pada akhirnya akan berdampak pada status gizi dan kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis (1) ciri sosioekonomi rumah ... -
Identifikasi potensi enzim lipase dan selulase pada sampah kulit buah Hasil fermentasi
(2013-12)Fermentation is one of bioconversion to produce profitable anaerobic microbes and to produce various enzymes. Lipases and cellulases are widely used enzymes so far. Cellulases play an important role in bioconversion of ... -
Strategi Produksi Pangan Organik Bernilai Tambah Tinggi yang Berbasis Petani
(2013)Ketahanan pangan merupakan suatu sistem yang terdiri atas subsistem ketersediaan, distribusi, dan konsumsi. Subsistem ketersediaan pangan berfungsi menjamin pasokan pangan, baik dari segi kuantitas, mutu (sertifikasi), ... -
Pengembangan Agrowisata Berbasis Masyarakat pada Usahatani Terpadu guna Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Petani dan Keberlanjutan Sistem Pertanian
(2013)Kawasan pertanian di Kabupaten Bandung Barat terus menghadapi ancaman pengurangan luas lahan akibat pembangunan di kawasan tersebut. Pengembangan agrowisata di perdesaan yang berbasis masyarakat setempat diharapkan dapat ... -
Ciri bilah bambu dan buluh utuh pada bambu tali dan Bambu ampelfragrans)
(2013-12)Bamboo is a natural resource that can be used as a basic commodity to substitute wood. To determine the use of a basic commodity, it is needed to study the basic characteristic of bamboo, in terms of anatomy, physical, and ... -
Estimasi nilai ekonomi air irigasi pada usaha tani padi sawah di daerah irigasi Van Der Wijce, Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta
(2009)Demand for rice increases with population and over time. However, the challenges to meet the increasing demand for rice are constrained by some factors: conversion of agricultural wetland (paddy field) to nonagricultural ... -
Pendugaan umur simpan dengan metode accelerated shelf-life testing Pada produk bandrek instan dan sirup buah pala (myristica fragrans)
(2013-12)Traditional beverages can be made from the spices and can be processed further as instant powder drinks such as bandrek drink. The expiration date statement on the food packaging is a mandatory according to the Food Act ... -
Pendugaan model pertumbuhan dan bentuk sebaran spasial populasi banteng (bos sondaicus d’alton) di taman nasional alas purwo Jawa Timur
(2009)Population of bulls in the world is decreasing to 80%. On Java and Bali, the habitat of the species has declined by about 20% and 30% respectively (IUCN 2003). In Java, especially in Alas Purwo National Park, the decreasing ... -
Peningkatan produksi susu sapi perah di peternakan rakyat melalui Pemberian katuk-ipb3 sebagai aditif pakan
(2013-12)This study was to evaluate the depolarization of katuk leaves (Katuk-IPB3) as a feed additive for increasing dairy cattle milk yield at the farmer condition. Sixteen selected lactating cattles were divided into 4 groups; ... -
Kebiasaaan makanan ikan lidah (cynoglossus lingua) di perairan Ujung Pangkah, Gresik, Jawa Timur
(2009)Salah satu sumberdaya perikanan yang terdapat di Ujung Pangkah adalah ikan lidah (Cynoglossus lingua). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis makanan ikan lidah yang tertangkap di daerah tersebut. Penelitian dilaksanakan ... -
Ciri finir kupas kayu jabon (anthocephalus cadamba)
(2013-12)Fast growing jabon is largely rotary-cut to produce veneer for plywood, com-ply, and LVL. In order to provide better information on veneer production and utilization, in this study the effects of wood juvenility and veneer ... -
Kandungan iaa, serapan hara, pertumbuhan dan produksi jagung dan kacang tanah sebagai respon terhadap aplikasi pupuk hayati
(2009)The aim of this research was to study IAA content, nutrient uptake, growth and productivity of maize and peanut in response to application of biofertilizer. The research was conducted in a green house of Cikabayan IPB Farm, ... -
Ciri limbah pemanenan kayu di hutan rawa gambut tropika
(2013-04)Effectiveness of timber harvesting in peat swamp forest is low. It is indicated by highly logging waste caused by timber harvesting operation. Thus, logging waste should be studied to describe characteristic and volume of ... -
Uji teknologi inokulum fungi ektomikoriza dan penambahan asam oksalat untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan hopea mengarawan
(2009)Application of ectomycorrhizal fungi on forestry depend on some factors. Inokulum technology is one of the important factor. The aim of this research are to compare the affectivity of two inoculums from two Scleroderma ... -
Pemeliharaan ikan sidat dengan sistem air bersirkulasi
(2013-04)Today, eel resource especially seeds in Indonesia has not been used for eel culture activities. To be able to optimally utilize the seeds that led to the production of eels for consumption needs adequate cultivation ... -
Aktivitas urikase yang dihasilkan dari berbagai sel lactobacillus plantarum dan parameter kinetikanya
(2009)Uric acid concentration could be determined by spectrophotometry method. Uric acid was oxidized into allatonin in the presence of uricase and calculated by measuring the decrease of uric acid absorbance at 293 nm. These ... -
Identifikasi pola agroforestri yang iimplementasikan masyarakat pada lahan marjinal di Lampung Utara
(2009)The large of marginal land in North Lampung will require careful planning towards to succeeded of the rehabilitation program. The first step that should be done is research on the identification of existing agroforestry ...