Akses Pembangunan Hutan Rakyat Pada Lahan Eks Hak Guna Usaha Pasir Madang Kabupaten Bogor.
Pasir Madang’s Community Forest has developed, but the clarity of the land status until now is unknown. This study ain are to determine: i) the history of rights of land use (HGU). ii) how does each access be obtained by the people iii) The utilization of the access . This research is a qualitative study, using historical approach and access theory approach. The history of land use in Pasir Madang village begun from the preindependence period until this day. Post-independence was marked by a private land tenure policy, which gave birth to the form of corporate ownership. The plantation land is owned by private companies through land use right given by government. Around reform era, all the estates were taken over by the community even though they knew that the land was not theirs. Wood cultivation was started by one of the owners of the concession in the 1990s, which utilized slope land or "girang". Wood cultivation is became popular in the 2007' among the community. Community in Pasir Madang has great power to utilize the land. They had done various way to continue living, ranging from working as farm laborers to work independently within its capabilities. Towards the leaving of assets by the owner, along with the collapse of the New Order, the communit began to freely do large scale cultivation. Around 2007, a lot of people sell their lands to investors. The entry of these investors, changing the type of commodity crops cultivated by the community. The whole land is tilled by the community, turned into timber as major commodity. Forestry is developed, so as to encourage student organizations and their governments do forestry programs. During the land use right period, comunity can access the land aided by unscrupulous from companies who care for them with mutually beneficial nature. In the reform era, the village government began to collect data on land farmed by the community until the governor decree instruction was made which states that every citizen need to given by certificate of claim. However this is actually doesnt benefit the community, because the claim letter indicates that they only cultivate state owned land so when someday government or land use right holder need that land then community need to return the land. Nowadays, the state of land ownership in Pasir Madang village still unclear.
- UT - Forest Management [3075]