Agronomy and Horticulture: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 597
(2010-06)Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molk. atau P. alpina KDS.) merupakan salah satu tanaman obat asli Indonesia endemik dataran tinggi dan pada saat ini dibudidayakan secara terbatas di Dataran Tinggi Dieng. Salah satu upaya ... -
(2016-09)Konsep dasar pertanian organik adalah cara produksi tanaman dengan menghindarkan atau sebesar-besarnya mencegah penggunaan senyawasenyawa kimia sintetik (pupuk, pestisida, dan zat pengatur tumbuh). Sistem pertanian organik ... -
(2016-09)Hutan hujan tropis berisi kurang lebih 50% spesies yang ada di muka bumi, dan merupakan sumber tanaman (World Wildlife Fund-US 2000) dan bahan baku obat. Jenis-jenis tumbuhan yang ada di habitat alami yang merupakan sumber ... -
Perubahan Biologis dan Fisiologis Sebagai Indikator Masak Benih Kakao Hibrida
(2011-06)The development and rehabilitation programs or cacao need high quality seed. The high quality of cacao seeds is influenced by seeds physiological maturity and harvesting time. Several important indicators related to the ... -
Isolasi dan Identifikasi Cendawan Terbawa Benih Kakao Hibrida
(2012-03)Seed is the basic component influencing the productivity of cacao plantation Healthy seed is the most Important factor in determining the success of cacao producuvity. Moisture content of cacao seeds is quite high potentially ... -
Effect of Seed Maturity and Invigoration on Seed Viability and Vigor, Plant Growth, and Yield of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdcourt)
(2013-06-13)Bambara groundnut can be cultivated in marginal land, however, its productivity is still low. In order to increase productivity, high quality seeds must beused. Two consecutive experiments were conducted in the laboratory ... -
Daun Jambu Biji Sebagai Bahan Baku Obat
(2016-08)Jambu biji berasal dari Meksiko dan Amerika Tengah. Disebut sebagai apel orang miskin, sekarang ditemukan dibudidayakan di Pantai Barat Afrika, daerah Pasifik, termasuk India dan Cina dengan varietas-varietas yang diintroduksi ... -
Produksi Kedelai Organik dengan Perbedaan Dosis Pupuk dan Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula
(2016-10)Organic farming needs high amount of organic fertilizer because of its low nutrient contents. Combination with biological fertilizer may be able to reduce the needs of organic fertilizer. The experiment was conducted at ... -
Studi Perbanyakan Cepat Pada Ubi Kayu (Manihot Esculenta Crantz.) dengan Stek Muda
(2016-10)Satu kendala dalam penanaman ubi kayu pada skala luas adalah penyediaan bahan tanam dalam jumlah banyak dan waktu singkat. Tiap hektar penanaman ubi kayu diperlukan 10.000–15.000 stek. Studi perbanyakan cepat dengan stek ... -
Seleksi Genotipe Jagung Berkadar Amilopektin dan Padatan Terlarut Total Tinggi untuk Mendukung Diversifikasi Pangan
(2016-08)Sweet-waxy corn cultivars with high amylopectin as well as sugar concentrations are considered potential for supporting food diversification. This research aimed to identify potential genotypes derived from hybridization ... -
Analisis Korelasi dan Analisis Lintas pada Dua Generasi Kacang Tanah
(2016-08)Correlation and path analyses are used to determine the relationship between agronomic characters that are useful for developing effective selection criteria on peanut. The research was conducted in two experiments, the ... -
Produktivitas Kedelai Hitam (Glycine soja) pada Sistem Budidaya Jenuh Air dengan Penggunaan Amelioran dan Kedalaman Muka Air pada Tanah Mireral Bergambut Lahan Pasang Surut
(2016-08)Improvement of growing environment and the use of varieties can be used to mitigate environmental stress of marginal land. An Experiment was conducted with several objectives (1) to identify growth and yield of black soybean ... -
Pengaruh Waktu Tanam dan Giberelin terhadap Pembungaan Bawang Merah dan Produksi TSS (True Shallot Seed)
(2016-08)True shallot seed (TSS) adalah metode alternatif untuk mendapatkan bibit bawang merah. Produksi TSS di Indonesia masih rendah dikarenakan fotoperiode dan suhu yang tidak mendukung terjadinya inisiasi pembungaan. Adanya ... -
Perkembangan Karakter Generatif Kacang Koro Pedang (Canavalia ensiformis L.) pada Perbedaan Kondisi Naungan dan Pemupukan
(2016-10)The aims of the study was determining the phase of flower and fruit development, production, seed maturity and quality of jack bean in different shading and fertilization level. The experiment was arranged using split plot ... -
Optimasi Produksi dan Mutu Benih Kacang Koro Pedang (Canavalia ensiformis L.) melalui Pengaturan Jarak Tanam
(2016-10)Plant spacing arrangement is important to get optimum condition for jack bean growth in order to minimize competition between plants in utilizing the growing environmental factors, so that increase quantity and quality of ... -
Nephrolepis biserrata: Gulma Pakis sebagai Tanaman Penutup Tanah di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Menghasilkan
(2016-10)Nephrolepis biserrata is one of fern weeds which have valuable benefits as cover crop. N. biserrata’s growth rate is not too fast, growing as shrub, and its presence does not causeany damage or disorder which make N. ... -
Evaluasi Karakter Produksi dan Pengelompokan 21 Genotipe Buncis
(2016-10)Improvement of production character and adaptability of bean plants in the middle-lands to lowlands continue to be made in order to produce new varieties of beans. Research conducted in August-October 2016 in the garden ... -
Keragaan Tanaman Coleus amboinicus Lour. Akibat Aplikasi Ethyl Methane Sulphonate (EMS)
(2016-10)To increase variant of Coleus amboinicus Lour. can do by mutation induction using ethyl methane sulphonate. Some studies report that the EMS successful to increase variability genetic and produce mutan plants. The objectives ... -
Perbaikan Karakter Komponen Hasil Tomat di Dataran Rendah Melalui Induksi Mutasi
(2016-10)Cultivation of tomatoes was more done in the lowlands. Yieldscomponents and adaptation characters focused to produce a new superior tomato varieties in the lowlands. It was developed by conventional and non conventional ... -
Produksi Sayur Fungsional Dandang Gendis (Clinacanthus nutans) dengan Jumlah Buku Stek dan Pemberian Pupuk Kandang
(2016-10)Dandang Gendis (Clinacanthus nutans) is a functional vegetable and natural ntioxidant. This study will contribute to standard cultivation procedure of Dandang Gendis harvested as vegetable. The first experiment using ...