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dc.contributor.advisorFarajallah, Achmad
dc.contributor.authorNingsih, Elly Widyas
dc.description.abstractThe gastrointestinal worm can inhibit the growing rate of sheep. Worm infestation on gastrointestinal of sheep influenced by vegetation composition of grassland when the sheep were kept in pastoral system. The aim of this research is to learn interaction between grassland’s plant composition and gastrointestinal worm diversity within sheep in Kabupaten Majalengka, West Java; and learn methods to determine the presence of worm eggs in faecal sample. Vegetation composition were analyzed using purposive random sampling method. Feces was taken from sheep that it was grazing on the location of grassland. Feces was prepared using floating method and sedimentation method. Worm diversity and FEC in sheep were different between locations. The sheep were grazing on post-harvested rice field has worm diversity and FEC lower than grazing on cane plantation. At locations with plants suspected to contain anthelmintic compound were found lower FEC. The floating method is spesific method to species Moniezia, whereas the sedimentation method spesific to Bunostomum sp.en
dc.subject.ddcMajengka-Jawa Baraten
dc.titleInteraksi Hasil Analisis Vegetasi Padang Penggembalaan dan Infestasi Cacing pada Domba di Kabupaten Majalengka, Jawa Baraten
dc.subject.keywordsedimentation methoden
dc.subject.keywordgastrointestinal wormen
dc.subject.keywordfloating methoden

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