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dc.contributor.authorRahman Karnila
dc.contributor.authorMade Astawan
dc.contributor.authorTutik Wresdiyati
dc.identifier.citationJurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan. Vol 16 No 2 Desember 2011 Hal 90-102en
dc.description.abstractSea cucumber (Holothuria scabra J.) is a fshery that has a nutrient content and high economic value. This study aims to know: (1) nutrient content (proximate) sea cucumber fresh meat, (2) the yield of protein concentrate manufacture of sea cucumbers, (3) nutrient content of sea cucumber protein concentrate, and (4) total amino acid content of protein concentrates of sea cucumber. Penelitian in five stage of the experiment : (1) preparation of meat fresh sea cucumbers, (2) analysis of nutrient content (proximate) sea cucumber fresh meat, (3) the analysis of protein concentrate yield of sea cucumbers, (4) analysis of nutrient content (proximate) protein concentrate sea cucumbers, and (5) analysis of total amino acid content of sea cucumber protein concentrate. The results showed nutrient content (proximate) sand sea cucumber fresh meat that is 87.03% water (bb): 76.64% protein (bk); 4.l6% fat (bk), 14.34% ash (bk), and 4.93% carbohydrate (bk). The average yield produced in the manufacture of sea cucumber protein concentrate was 9.87%. While the nutrient content (proximate) sea cucumber protein concentrate that is 8.97% water, 66.07% protein, 0.89% fat; 11.53% ash, and 12.54% carbohydrate. The highest amino acid content in sea cucumber protein concentrate is a proline (5.17%) and glutamic acid (3.23%)en
dc.publisherJurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan. Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Riau
dc.titleKarakteristik Konsentrat Protein Teripang Pasir (Holothuria Scabra J.) Dengan Bahan Pengekstrak Asetonen
dc.subject.keywordAmino aciden
dc.subject.keywordnutrient contenten
dc.subject.keywordprotein concentrateen
dc.subject.keywordsea cucumberen

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