Peranan bahasa terhadap penamaan tempat di Bogor
Indonesian people begin to ignore the rule of naming place, building, and public facility which suppose to use Indonesian or local language in accordance with the rules of naming (artistic and historical value.) Bogor, an interesting city for tourists, must have its local characteristic, especially in naming new building. However, according to the writer finding, the naming of new buildings in Bogor uses foreign words. Thus, this research aimed to (1) describe the opinion of Bogornese towards the use of foreign language in naming building and public facility (2) describe the solution given by Bogornese. The population in this research was Bogornese and the number of sample gathered was 50 respondents.The technique used for data collection was questioner dan interview with respondent. The response of the people towards the use of Indonesian language in naming place was 55. percent; with local language was 47 percent while the use of foreign language was 20 percent. This proves that Indonesian language, together with other languages, still has a rule in naming places.