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dc.contributor.advisorHubeis, Musa
dc.contributor.authorOktavia, Erlinda
dc.description.abstractPG Bungamayang production process based on inclusive milling capacity in 2010-2011 showed that the increase in production capacity has not been reached. Productivity PG Bungamayang also tended to decrease over the last three years, indicating the presence of inefficiencies in the production process. The results of the study by comparing the normal number of technical efficiency indicators show that the value of the indicator of PG Bungamayang production process, namely Mill Extraction (ME), Boiling House Recovery (BHR), Overall recovery (OR), pol (quality) and cane yield, in the period September milled A , September B and October A 2013 was below the normal value of efficiency. Capacity inclusive on September A period amounted to 6142.1 TDC, September B 6802.2 TDC and October A 5681.7 TDC, has not been able to meet the increase in milling capacity. In the packaging process using time studies and line balancing, acquired 90.625 % efficiency. There is still an imbalance of 9.375 % due to idle time (repair tool) for 25.47 minutes or 1528.2 secondsen
dc.titleAnalisis Proses Kerja dalam Efisiensi Produksi di PTPN VII Unit Usaha Bungamayangen
dc.subject.keywordwork processesen
dc.subject.keywordproduction processen

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