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dc.contributor.advisorHindayana, Dadan
dc.contributor.authorSupriatna, Ivan Primajohan
dc.description.abstractTo apply a wise biological control of pests in an agroecosystem, specific information of abundance and diverstity of natural enemies and pest arthropods are needed. This basic requirement of information, however, in a crystal guava plantation is still neglected. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to explore and identify predators and pest Arthropods associated with crystal guava plantion in International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) Cikarawang, Bogor. These abundance and diversity of arthropods was investigated using pitfall trap, sweep net, light trap, and direct observation methods. Sample plants were selected by forest health monitoring (FHM) cluster design. The result showed that the proportions of pests, predators, parasitoids, and other arthoropods were 53%, 41%, 1% and 5% respectively. The main pests were: Carphopilus sp., rhinoceros beetles, bagworms, budworms, mealy bugs, aphids, and grasshoppers. The most dominant predators were ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Ants were the only predator which found through direct observation methods, pitfall traps, and light traps. Meanwhile Grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae) was the most dominant arthropod catched by insect nets.en
dc.titleKelimpahan Artropoda Predator dan Hama pada Tanaman Jambu Biji Kristal di International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) Cikarawang, Bogor.en
dc.subject.keywordcrystal guava.en
dc.subject.keywordforest health monitoringen

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