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dc.contributor.advisorBaliwati, Yayuk F.
dc.contributor.authorHarahap, Yulita Farisa
dc.description.abstractThis research aimed to analyze the availability and consumption pattern of vegetables, fruits and nuts in population in Indonesia 2002-2011. This research was conducted on June to December 2013. Source of the data was secondary data from National Socio-economic Survey (SUSENAS) during 2002-2011. The average of vegetables, fruits and nuts availability showed an increase during 2002-2011. However the average of vegetables and fruits consumption showed a decrease but the nuts consumption showed an increase during 2002-20111. This result showed that the vegetables consumption occurred larger in rural than the urban areas. Otherwise fruits and nuts consumption occured larger in urban than the rural areas. The vegetables and fruits sufficiency were in condition of food secured that showed by the ratio score at > 1.2 while the nuts sufficiency was in condition of food secured however fragile that showed by the ratio score at 0.8 < 1.2.en
dc.titleAnalisis Pola Ketersediaan dan Konsumsi Sayur, Buah serta Kacang-kacangan Penduduk di Indonesia Tahun 2002-2011en
dc.subject.keywordconsumption patternen
dc.subject.keywordavailability patternen

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