Detection of Porcine DNA Residu By Polymerase Chain Reaction on Food Processing Equipments after Ritual Purification
commercially available conventional PCR, based on a multi-copy target cytochrome b (cyt b) using porcine specific primers, has been validated for the Halal/Kosher authentication of porcine detection. Detection of porcine DNA residue on najis affected equipments after ritual purification (sertu) is requred to provide initial data of syariah purification implementation in industrial equipments. In this study, the probability of conventional PCR method in observing porcine DNA residue on affected equipments after ritual purificated was 1:3. It means 75% of the sample analysis was disobservable using coventional PCR analysis method. The porcine DNA band was once found at 398 bp. The concentration of DNA extraction on the affected equipments varied from 2.4-24.2 ng/μl. The method were used Phire Direct PCR Dillution Buffer combining with Phusion High-Fidelity PCR kit.