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dc.contributor.authorSiti Nurjanah
dc.contributor.authorRatih Dewanti
dc.contributor.authorSri Estuningsih
dc.contributor.authorMaggy T. Suhartono
dc.description.abstractIn previous research, twenty isolates of Cronobacter spp. were obtained from local powdered infant formula, weaning food and other dried products. Molecular showed that nineteen isolates were confirmed as Cronobacter sakazakii, while one isolate was Cronobacter muytjensii. Cronobacter virulence factors have been reported including toxin production and its cytotoxic activity. However there is limited report of its haemoly tic activity. The objective of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxic activity of the twenty food isolates of Cronobacter spp. Obtained from indonesia. Invitro analysis of the cytotoxic aclivity of Cronobacter crude toxin was conducted by MTT (Methyl Thiazol Tetrazolium) Assay which measures its inhibition to Vero cell growth. Thirteen out of twenty isolates were found to have positive cytotoxin activity which varied between 51-80% Vero cell deaths.en
dc.publisher13th Asean Food Conference 2013. Meeting Future Food Demands : Security & Sustainability. 9-11 September 2013, Max Atria, Singapore Expo. Food Science & Technology, Singapore Institute
dc.titleCytotoxic Activity of Cronobacter spp. Isolated from Indonesian Fooden
dc.subject.keywordCronobacter sakazakiien
dc.subject.keywordCronobacter muytjensiien
dc.subject.keywordcytotoxic activityen
dc.subject.keywordMTT Assayen
dc.subject.keywordVero cellen

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