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dc.contributor.advisorBaliwati, Yayuk Farida
dc.contributor.authorSari, Yulistia Kartika
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to analyze the food availability in Cirebon district, West Java in 2012. This research was conducted in July until November 2013. The source of processed data is collected from relevant agencies in Cirebon District 2010-2012. The result show that nearly 50 % kind of food in the Cirebon District increased production in 2011-2012, but energy needs inhabitant not fulfilled through domestic production (77.2 %). Cirebon District are able to meet 50 % of energy needs of its inhabitants of production of food sources of carbohydrate low (surplus). In general (55 %) the ratio of swasembada was in the category of good. The level of food availability in Cirebon District in 2012 has met the SPM. It is ideal for the availability of energy at 2 489 Cal/cap/day (113.1%) and 82.7 g/person/day (145.1%) for protein. Food composition as measured by a score of PPH in Cirebon District has reached in 89.5, Cirebon District should improve PPH score 2.1 points per year. Food production needs in 2017 of groups tubers, meats, oils and fats, fruits/nuts and nuts production should be increased by 18.6 tons/year,8.7 tons/year, 1.1 tons/ year, 8.6 tons/year, 1.6 tons/year each year.en
dc.titleAnalisis Ketersediaan Pangan Kabupaten Cirebon Propinsi Jawa Barat Tahun 2012en
dc.subject.keywordfood availabilityen

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