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dc.contributor.advisorSunito, Satyawan
dc.contributor.authorHarahap, Yeni Agustien
dc.description.abstractOrganic farming is a way of farming based on the utilization of natural ingredients derived from nature. Agricultural inputs and processes related to organic farming are green matures, bio-fertilizes, increased biomass, compostenriched land preparation and the implementation of integrated pest and disease control. Organic farming is expected to improve, safe and healthy food for humas who consume its products. This study uses both quantitative and qualitative approaches, such as using questionnaires and guides for in-depth interview. The purpose of this study are (1) to analyze the characteristics of organic rice farmers, (2) identify the role of the organizations contained in the organic farming system, (3) analyze the income levels of organic rice farmers, (4) identify the factors that inhibit and support organic rice farming. This study showed that in organic rice farming, farmers need larger land to increase their income. Another finding of this study is the importance of farmer organization for the success of organic farming and the increase of farmers’s income.en
dc.titleTelaah Sosial dan Ekonomi Petani Padi Organiken
dc.subject.keywordincrease in income.en
dc.subject.keywordsocial economy of farmersen
dc.subject.keywordorganic farmingen

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