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dc.contributor.authorWina, Elizabeth
dc.contributor.authorYusriani, Yenni
dc.contributor.authorPasaribu, Tiurma
dc.contributor.authorIWR, Susana
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT Jatropha seed meal is a by produci after jatropha oil is extracted f(om the seed and becomes a waste unless it is being used. Utilization of jatropha seed meal (JSM) as animal feed is inhibited by the anti nutriti ve .and toxic compounds in JSM. Therefore, many efforts have been conducted to eliminate or rcduce the tox ic and anti nutritive compounds so JSM can be used as animal feed. This paper described the fermentation process to detoxify jatropha seed meal that has been done in Indonesian and utili zation of jatroph:-t seed meal as "nimal feed. Fermen tation process used several fungi such as Aspergillus, Neuros pora, Rhi zopus. and Trichoderma. Aspergilills or)'::({e, but nOl Neurospora sitophi/({, caused a significant rec!uct ion on the fat content of jatropha seed meal and the longer the length of fermentation \\i t11 .' /. or)';:uc. the lower the fat content of JSM. Anti trypsin activity and phytate reduced when fermenl<.:d \\ith A .(}/T::OC, N. silopi7ila or rumen liquor of sheep. Fermentation \V it:1 A. oryzae reduced phorbole~ter concentrJtion in .iSM. Phorbol esters arc toxic and cause death to animal. 'Tempeh' (fermentation with Rhi::oplIs oligosportls ~,nd R. on-::uc) process ;5 ac altell1atiye \yay to detoxify and easy to be applied in th'~ villages as tel11peh is a \ery commol1 food in Indones ia. Tempeh process to .ISM also reduced t~l l co nten t, phyt21e, anti trypsin :-tnd phorbolester compoullds. Feeding broiler for 2 \\'eeks \\ ith 4°'0 of fermented .ISM cc,used 10\\'er growth compared to control. Mortal ity reduced sig nificantly compared to that fed un treated .ISIV!. Impro\'ed metaboli sab le energy and nitrogen retention \\'ere obtained \\'hen ternpeh -JSM combined \\'ith phytase and cellu lase enzymes fed to native ch icken. In combinat ion \\'ith enzymcs. tempeh-.I S;--,1 could be fed to nati\'e chicken LIp to the level of 12 .5 ~o and higher \\eight gain compared to unprocessed .ISM. Inclusion of 9.37% of .4 . olT::ae fermented JSM in the COI1'2entrate di et and fed to goat caused reduction in dai ly consumption of feed and e\'entu ally, death while inclusion of 12%, of R. oligo.ljJortis fermented JS\1 in the concentrate di et improved daily gain of sheep high er than control (96.38 \ls 76.80 g/day). High mortality to mice occurred \\'hen fed fell11ented JSM. In conclusion, fermentation process with Rhizopus or Aspergi llus reduced anti nutritive and toxic compounds in jatropha seed meal (JSM). Depends on type of animal, ferm ented JSM could improve weight gain in chicken and sheep without causing mortality. (Keywords: Jatropha seed ineal, fermentation, animal feed)en
dc.description.sponsorshipTropical Feed Resources Research and Development Center (TROFREC) Rajamangala University of Technology Isanen
dc.publisherPrinting House of Khon Kaen University
dc.titleUtilization of fermented Jatropha seed meal as animal feed, Indonesian experienceen
dc.subject.keywordUtilization, fermented Jatropha seed meal as animal feeden

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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