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dc.contributor.advisoro Kartono, Agus Priyon
dc.contributor.advisorMasyud, Burhanuddin
dc.contributor.authorYusuf, Tubagus M. Maulana
dc.description.abstractSun bear is one of the rarest species in Sumatera and Kalimantan. Conservation Area of PT. RAPP Meranti Estate is one of the habitat for sun bear in Riau, Sumatera. Information about diversity of tree species as sun bear food sources in this area has not been available until now. These information can be used as a reference for habitat management to prevent the lack of availability of sun bear food. This research was conducted in Conservation Area of PT. RAPP Meranti Estate, Pelalawan, Riau from June to July 2012. The objectives of this research was to identify the diversity and distribution pattern of tree species as sun bear food, and also to identify the environment factor that determine the diversity of tree species as sun bear food sources. The methods of this research was literature review, vegetation analysis, and field observation. Parameters such as the name of species, individual number, the diameter, tree height, soil pH, light intensity and peat thickness were recorded during the survey. The methods of sampling was stratified random sampling with sampling intensity of 0.1%. There was thirty two species of trees for sun bear food sources in conservation area. Madhuca motleyana was species of tree as sun bear food dominant in this area. The area with soil pH 4.5, peat thickness 5 m, and the light intensity <10000 lx was area that has the highest diversity of trees species as sun bear food sources. The distribution pattern of the trees as sun bear food sources was clumped. The environment factors that determine the diversity of tree species as sun bear food sources in the conservation area was soil pH and peat thicknessen
dc.description.abstractBeruang madu termasuk salah satu spesies langka yang ada di Sumatera dan Kalimantan. Areal konservasi PT. RAPP Estate Meranti merupakan habitat beruang madu di Riau, Sumatera. Informasi keanekaragaman jenis pohon pakan beruang madu di areal konservasi PT. RAPP Estate Meranti sampai saat ini belum tersedia. Informasi tersebut dapat dijadikan acuan pengelolaan habitat beruang madu untuk mencegah kurangnya ketersediaan pakan beruang madu.
dc.titleDiversity of tree species as sun bear food in conservation area of PT. RAPP Meranti Estate, Riauen
dc.subject.keywordconservation areaen
dc.subject.keyworddistribution patternen
dc.subject.keywordenvironment factoren
dc.subject.keywordtree species as sun bear fooden

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