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dc.contributor.advisorManalu, Wasmen
dc.contributor.authorSastra, Edwin Ligia
dc.description.abstractAntipyretic is a group of drugs that are used to decrease high body temperature due to fever. This study was conducted to determine the potential of ethanol extract of belimbing wuluh as a natural antipyretic by using male rats strain Spraque-Dawley. Twenty five male rats were divided into 5 groups and each group consisted of 5 rats. Group 1 (negative control) was only given DPT vaccine to produce fever, group 2 (normal control) was not given DPT vaccine and any treatment, group 3 (positive control) was given DPT vaccine and 4 mg/kg bw of aspirin, group 4 was given DPT vaccine and 0.88 g/kg bw of ethanol extract of belimbing wuluh, group 5 was given DPT vaccine and 1.75 g/kg bw of ethanol extract of belimbing wuluh. The antipyretic effect was determined by measuring the rectal temperature of rats every 30 minutes for 6 hours after DPT injection. Group which was given 1.75 g/kg bw of ethanol extract of belimbing wuluh showed a rapid antipyretic activity at 60th minutes. Thereby, the ethanol extract of belimbing wuluh in 1.75 g/kg bw was the effective dose as a natural antipyreticen
dc.titlePotensi Ekstrak Etanol Buah Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L) sebagai Antipiretik dengan Tikus Putih sebagai Modelen
dc.subject.keywordethanol extract of belimbing wuluhen

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