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dc.contributor.advisorRahayuningsih, Mulyorini
dc.contributor.advisorSetyaningsih, Dwi
dc.contributor.authorPermadi, Alfian Rahmandani
dc.description.abstractP. tannophilus is one good producer of ethanol in the mixture pentose and hexose. The objectives of this research was to determine the effect of glucose, galactose, and hydrolyzate E. cottonii to P. tannophilus growth and production of bioethanol. This research focused on the analysis of the growth curve and the production of bioethanol. The growth curve is based on the concentration and type of substrate. Then do the fermentation. Based on the growth curve can be determined P. tannophilus incubation time is 24 hours. The result of P. tannophilus fermentation on YMP galactose and glucose medium with concentration of 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10% were analyzed with analysis of variance and Duncan test, the concentration and type of sugar found to affect the production of ethanol by P. tannophilus. While ethanol production on hydrolyzate E. cottonii also affect the production of ethanol and growth P. tannophilusen
dc.titlePengaruh Galaktosa, Glukosa dan Hidrolisat E. cottonii Terhadap Pertumbuhan P. tannophilus dan Produksi Bioetanolen
dc.subject.keywordgrowth curveen
dc.subject.keywordbioethanol productionen
dc.subject.keywordP. tannophilusen

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