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dc.contributor.advisorBudiardi, Tatag
dc.contributor.advisorHadiroseyani, Yani
dc.contributor.authorRumain, Raflie Yushan
dc.description.abstractIncreasing stocking density intended for fish production optimization in the culture system which should be accompanied with water management to maintain water quality remains good for support the survival and growth of fish. This study aimed to analyze the production performance of neon tetra rearing with increased stocking density in water exchange system culture. The fish samples used were neon tetra with the initial length of 1.78 ± 0.01 cm. The results showed that the cultivation of neon tetra in aquarium with size of 30 cm x 30 cm x 33 cm with stocking densities of 60, 80 and 100 individuals/liter with water exchange system could reached the L size of fish as targeted. Among the treatments, stocking density 80 fish/liter produce the best production performance, i.e the survival rate was 82.47% which giving profit value as much Rp 10,625,828 per month.en
dc.titleProduksi Ikan Neon Tetra Paracheirodon innesi Ukuran L dengan Padat Tebar 60, 80, 100 Ekor/Liter Menggunakan Sistem Pergantian Airen
dc.subject.keywordwater exhcangeen
dc.subject.keywordneon tetra Paracheirodon innesien
dc.subject.keywordornamental fishen

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