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dc.contributor.authorPramukanto, Qodarian
dc.description.abstractBetween the ascent of towards boundaries science in seout and the adventure for keeps suryive from Gu to Gu, from 5i to 5i untit att comers of Do, reatized that there are many pattems, such as, lesson and experiences that become a very worthy btessing. As wise words said: ' the much that watk, the much that you seen and btessings you witt get. (eodarian pramukanto, phD Course Student of seodt Nationat University). My experiences in South Korea make me reatized that man is unique' It are reftection which I wish to inform that the man is a sociat creature with att off its unique and timitations. Such as wise peopte said that, we must be ctever to find gotd. We have to take the gold. experiences and exptoit them white its sand has to remove. (Frass Minggi Kamassa, Korean Language Course Graduate, Yonsei University). Phitosophic opinions behind the fast of progress that experienced by South Korea is a pleasant exptoration but futt of chattenge white digging its. (Etsar Muktasar Syamsuddin, Phd Course Student, Hankukk University of Foreign Studies) Futty impressed, how in the middte of progress and modernity, the heritage vatrrs of their ancestor stitt be hetd tautty by each generations. Being interacted directty with them, remind us about our cutturat root. (Andi FadtyYahya, Phd Course Student, Seout Nationat University)en
dc.publisherCenter for Korean Studies Gajah Mada University
dc.titleTwo Worlds (Essays Collection): Intercultural Experiences from The Perspective of Indonesian Students in South Koreaen

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