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dc.contributor.advisorIrwanto, Abdul Kohar
dc.contributor.advisorPermanasari, Yusrina
dc.contributor.authorYuliana, Lia
dc.description.abstractAn increasing number of Indonesian population made the needed of transportation in Indonesia increased. This was in line with the national development programme of the transportasion sector. This can not be separated from the problem that has been twisting. The increasing of crued oil in world which were followed by rising fuel prices in Indonesia and also the high number of accidents caused losses to the company. This losses that accured continuously and unable to control will threaten companies finance in term financial distress. This research will use two methods to analyze the companies financial condition, which are z-score and Regression. The objectives of this research are 1). To analyze the financial distress of Indonesian transportation sector that listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) since 2007 until 2012, 2). To analyze the financial ratios (CR, ROA, ROE, dan NPM) to predict the financial distress. The results of this study were eight of nine transportation companies have experienced financial distress in the period of 2007-2012. While financial ratios that significantly affect financial distress were CR, ROA, ROE, and NPM.en
dc.titleAnalisis Financial distress Perusahaan Transportasi Terpilih Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Menggunakan Z-Score dan Regresien
dc.subject.keywordFinancial distressen

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