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dc.contributor.advisorKartika, Lindawati
dc.contributor.authorUtami, Desi Habiba
dc.description.abstractBased on the legislative elections which began from 1999 to 2004, each party fluctuated over the votes or seats, such as XYZ Party. This situation became motivation for XYZ Party to try to improve the management of the party. The main factors that are considered more influential for XYZ is the role of the human resources that are bound in it.XYZ Party required a qualified human resources to realize the vision and mission of it’s party in order to continue the competition with the other political parties, it can be implemented by applying the recruitment and selection process at every director or member who will be involved. The purpose of this study is to identify the influence of the recruitment and selection process on competencies. Data processing was conducted using Structural Equational Model with Partial Least software Square SmartPLS. This study concluded that the effect of recruitment and selection have real significance or significant effect on the competencies. This can be seen by the beta valueis 6.147 from recruitment to construct competence construct, and beta for the selection is 6.878 of the construct of competence, where both the beta value greater than 1.96.en
dc.titlePengaruh Proses Rekrutmen dan Seleksi terhadap Kompetensi Pengurus DPD Partai XYZ Kota Bogoren

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