Plant Protection: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 185
Catatan Hama Baru, Caloptilia sp. (lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) pada Tanaman Kedelai di Kabupaten Ngawi, Jawa Timur
(2015-01)Caloptilia sp. (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) merupakan hama kedelai yang kurang mendapatkan perhatian. Keberadaannya sering kurang diperhatikan karena tingkat kerusakan yang ditimbulkan oleh serangannya masih tergolong ... -
Kejadian Penyakit Cendawan Entomopatogen pada Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) dalam jaring Tritropik pada Tanaman Bawang Daun
(2015-01)The study was conducted to determine the incidence of entomopathogenic fungi on Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in net tritrophic on green onion. Population of S. exigua and fungal infection of S. exigua was ... -
Pengaruh Instar Larva Hyposidra talaca Walker dan Hari Panen Polihedra Pascainokulasi terhadap Produksi Polihedra Nucleopolyhedrovirus
(2015-01)Nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) is an entomovirus that infects caterpillar and causes polyhedrosis. It can be used as a biological agent for controlling tea looper caterpillar population. The objective of this research is to ... -
Biologi Hyposidra talaca Wlk. pada Beberapa Jenis Tanaman Selain Tanaman Teh di Sekitar Perkebunan Teh Gunung Mas PTPN VIII Bogor
(2015-01)Hyposidra talaca is one of the most important pest in tea plantation and can cause significant yield losses. To effectively control we need to know the biology these pest on different host plants. This study aimed to ... -
Pengembangan Formulasi Biopestisida Berbahan Aktif Bakteri Staphylococcus epidermidis dan Bacillus subtilis untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Layu Bakteri oleh Ralstonia solanacearum pada Tomat
(2015-01)Application of biocontrol agents in the field often failed because of some factors, one of them was caused by the decreasing of the population of the biocontrol agents and their activities during storage or transportation ... -
Infektifitas Spodoptera exigua Nucleopolyhedrovirus (SeNPV) yang diperkaya dengan bahan pengaktif terhadap Larva Spodoptera exigua Huebner
(2012-12)Spodoptera exigua Huebner nucleopolyhedrovirus (SeNPV) merupakan virus patogen dari ulat grayak bawang (UGB) Sexigua yang umum digunakan sebagai bioinsektisida. Salah satu kelemahan SeNPV untuk dijadikan agen hayati ... -
Keanekaragaman serangga pengunjung bunga kelapa sawit di perkebunan rakyat batanghari, Jambi
(2014)Kemampuan serangga untuk menyerbuki tanaman menyebabkan serangga menjadi salah satu sumber keanekaragaman hayati yang penting sekali dalam ekosistem. Walaupun demikian, tidak semua serangga pengunjung ... -
Pengamatan hama dan penyakit penting pada tanaman krisan (chrysanthemum spp.) di agro alam asli farm, Kecamatan Cisarua, Kabupaten Bogor
(2014)Krisan (Chrysanthemum spp.) merupakan salah satu tanaman hias penting bagi industri florikutura di indonesia. Krisan banyak di usahakan sebagai bunga potong, bahan dekorasi, dan tanaman dalam pot. Kutu daun, ... -
Keefektifan Berbagai isolat Beauveria bassiana Terhadap Larva Crocidolomia pavonana
(2004-10-05)Pengujian keefektifan berbagai jenis isolat cendawan Beauveria bassiana telah dilakukan terhadap larva Crocidolomia pavonana instar I, 2 dan 3. Isolat B bassiana yang digunakan diisolasi dari berbagai jenis serangga ... -
PATOGENISITAS Beauveria bassiana TERHADAP BERBAGAI INSTAR LARVA Crocidolomia pavonana
(2005-04)Patogenicity tcst of Beauveria bassiana fungi of infected Crocidolomia pavonana, was conducted to larva of Crocidolomia pavonana instar 1, 2 dan 3. Isolat was propagated on media SDAY. Application of conidia (3 weeks of ... -
Eksplorasi Cendawan Entomophthorales Pada Beberapa Spesies Kutuputih Dan Kutukapuk Pada Berbagai Tanaman Bias Di Bogor Dan Cianjur
(2013)The ornamental plants are the ones of the high economic valued horticultural crops that have beauty and a certain appeal. However, there are several problems of the cultivation efforts to meet consumers' desire to face a ... -
Effects Of Neonicotinoid Insecticidesand Irrigation On Number Of Cotton Aphids, Aphis Gossypii Glover (Hemiptera:Aphididae) And Fungus-Infected Aphids
(2012-12-19)Experiments with the neonicotinoid insecticides, acetamiprid and thiamethoxam, were carried out at the Edisto REC., Clemson University, SC., USA. Cotton variety DP 458 BR was planted in plots of 12 rows x 15 m in both a ... -
Deteksi Baktert Patogen Xanthomonas campestris pada Benih, Media Tanam dan Air Sumber Penyiraman Bibit Acacia crassicarpa
(2008)Initial inoculum of pathogen around its hosts is one of the factors that disease epidemic to be hqppened'. Because of that research aimed to detect population of leaf blight bacterial pathogen on seeds, culture media, and ... -
Kunci Identifikasi Ordo Thysanoptera Pada Tanaman Pangan Dan Hortikultura Vol 13, No 2, 2008
(2008)Thysanoptera is a minute insect. It acts as pest, plant virus vector and predator. In this research, the thrips on crop and horticulture have been collected at Bogor and its surrounding. The result of this research was ... -
Pelepasan dan pemangsaan kumbang jelajah Paederus fuscipes (coleoptera: staphylinidae) terhadap telur dan larva helicoverpa armigera (lepidoptera: noctuidae) pada pertanaman kedelai
(2007)Paederus fuscips is an important predators in soybean fields, including toward Helimverpa armigera. Predation evaluation using a cage are very common, giving significant suppressed the exposed pest population. However, ... -
Characterization of the Causal of Sugarcane Streak Disease in Indonesia
(2010)During field survey on 2007 in 59 sugarcane plantations in Java, we found a streak mosaic symptom on sugarcane in almost entire plantations. The incidence was vary, however it predominantly infected sugarcane cultivar PS ...