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dc.contributor.advisorYovi, Efi Yuliati
dc.contributor.authorSabiila, Reza Ahda
dc.description.abstractTimber harvesting activities in Perum Perhutani has a high risk of ergonomics and are still using human power. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), is illness or disorders of the soft tissues of the muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and cartilage as well as on the nervous system. The existence of prolonged exposure from ergonomics risk factors can lead to MSDs on workers. The purpose of this study was to measure the magnitude of workers on the MSDs complaints for every elements of the work in forest harvesting activities and to define the relationship between the risk factors (body posture, age, body mass index) of MSDs complaints. The method of this research was using observation and interview data then were analyzed by REBA method. The analysis results on the logging, bucking and skidding activities showed the various risk from medium to high levels of MSDs. Mechanical tools factors and load factor of workers was a major factor that cause MSDs risk factors. The other risk factors, such as temperature, workers age and body mass index of the workers also has a role on worker’s complaint.en
dc.titleRisiko Ergonomi dan Keluhan Musculoskeletal Disorders pada Pekerja Kehutanan Bidang Pemanenan Kayu di KPH Kendal Perum Perhutani Unit I Jawa Tengahen
dc.subject.keywordwork posturesen
dc.subject.keywordtimber harvestingen
dc.subject.keywordrapid entire body assessmenten
dc.subject.keywordmusculosketal disordersen

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