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dc.contributor.authorPramukanto, Qodarian
dc.contributor.authorHadi, Setia
dc.description.abstractTogean islands is one of major tourist destination in Tomini Bay, Central Sulawesi. The area lies in the hearth of global marine biodiversity, so call "coral triangle." The beoutiful seascape with small group of islands, and underwaler scenery with numerous coral reef, unique crealures, ofers great spectacular dive site for tourists. Moreover, some endemic species of marine and terreslrial ecosystem and ethnic group, such as Baja people lead the area as the richest tourislict. Those nature and cultural diversity should be managed for sustainability of tourism. Therefore the master plan to guide the development of marine tourism is needed. The research consists of preparation, field surveys, analysis and interprelation of data, synthesis, and preparing mdster Plan stages. The Masler Plan of Morine Tourism was developed based on lhe assessmenl of aqualic, terrestrial, cultural and feasibility of potential objecls and marine tourism attraction and formulaled into six f;4orine Tourism Development Area (MTDA).en
dc.titleMaster plan of togean islands marine tourismen
dc.title.alternativeProceeding of international of landscape architect asia pacific region conferenceen
dc.subject.keywordmaster planen
dc.subject.keywordmarine tourismen
dc.subject.keywordTogean islandsen
dc.subject.keywordcoral triangleen

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