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dc.contributor.authorZain, Alinda F.M.
dc.contributor.authorSyarief, Azhari
dc.contributor.authorHardjoamidjodjo, Soedodo
dc.description.abstractThe development of the city of Padang as the capital of West Sumatra province showed an increase of urbanization. lt is characterized by the grovvth of built up arca in some districs. Geographical and geomoryhotogiscondition of Padang is tlat and located on the shores of the west coast of Sumatra island which often expeience floods every year. Flooding caused the changing pattem of uftan landscape condition in Padang, as a capital city of West Sumatra. The purposes of this study are: 1) to identify the land cover changes in the ctty of Padang at the year of 1994 and 2007., 2) to identify chancteistics of flooding and flood hazad zoning in the city of Padang by using spasia/ modelling. The collection of pimary data were done in 2 sfageg namely: a) the measurcment and testing to the field of landform, land cover and flood hazard zoning. Fufthermore, the data werc analyzed using analysis of remote sensing image interpretation, analysis Geographical lnformation Sysfems (GIS) and desciptive analysis. The resu/fs were: 1) The devetopment built up arca between the yearc from 1994 to 2007 have incrcased the area by 3612.80 ha, with an average annual grcwth of 3,80%. The grcvtth arca is dircctly proportional to awaken the population grovvth. 2) Characteristics of flooding in the city of Padang in general is a flood inundation, occuning in the formation of fluvial landforms and maine landform, including coastal alluvial plains, depression among the shoal, flood plains, back swamps and iver course. Using GIS analysis obtained by flood prone areas covering 1979.61 ha. Largest flood-prone arcas located in the distict of Koto Tangah by 872.39 ha.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleDeteksi penurunan ruang terbuka hijau dan dampaknya terhadap peningkatan kawasan rawan banjir di Kota Padangen
dc.typeBook chapteren
dc.subject.keywordLand Use Cover Change (LUCC)en
dc.subject.keywordflood-prone areasen
dc.subject.keywordGeographic Information System (GIS)en

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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