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dc.contributor.advisorGunawan, Agustin Wydia
dc.contributor.authorHartati, Riana
dc.description.abstractThe purple eggplant seeds’ health in Indonesia is rarely studied. The quality of eggplant could be determinated by seed health testing. Therefore, this research aimed to detect and identify the fungi carried by eggplant seeds. Seed samples were collected from Bogor in subdistrict of Tenjolaya and commercial seeds. Detection of fungi had been done by straw paper test for one week. Eggplant seeds obtained from farmers showed that a total of 20% of them could germinate, but 3% of them could germinate then its died. A total of 11% commercial seeds could germinate, but 3% of its could germinate then its died. The fungi were isolated using single spore technique. The isolated fungi that had been successfully identified were Fusarium decemcellulare, F. solani, Fusarium spp., Memnoniella sp., Rhizoctonia sp., and 11 Mycelia Sterilia fungi from the genus had not been identified.en
dc.titleDeteksi Cendawan yang Terbawa Benih Terung (Solanum melongena)en
dc.subject.keywordisolation fungi from seedsen
dc.subject.keywordstraw paper test.en

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