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Distribusi Vertikal dan Fluks Nutrien padH Scdimen Mangrove di Kawasan Reklamasi Muara Angke Kapuk

dc.contributor.authorPurwiyanto, Anna Ida Sunaryo
dc.contributor.authorPrartono, Tri
dc.contributor.authorKoropitan, Alan Frendy
dc.description.abstractThe reclaimed mangroye estuary in 1\1Llara Angke Kapllk is a reclaimed area that has not c~aded the impacted of pollution and waste in the areas ~llrroul1ding Cengkareng, Jakarta. This is apparent fl\IJH tLc: fact that almost all sediments under the mangrove trees are buried under heaps ()f plastic traslL However, the [cclainlcd region still has variety of organism, whIch indicating that the region still has an I[Hernal carryillg capacity, especially r.utrients from sediment. The purpose of this rc:search was to exannl1e the condition of sediment nutrients ill tllis ll1<lIlgrove reclamation region. The research was conducted b)' taking wakr samples u:,ing a modification of the ~lrati ikd ClIp at a sediment depth of 0-15 cm with depth intervab Dr 2.5 em, anu taking sedinlent samples u"ing the s(·'l1t t'illg. Pure water samples were measured for dissolved oxygen (DO) and concentrations of alilmoniu, nitll\('. itltfale, alld phosphate. Sediment samples werc used to obtain porosity ,·alues. The data obtained is used to Illake vertical C:OIh.entratiol1 profiles and analysis of veltieal nutrient flux. Vertical nLltrient flux. analysis was perfomled with the aid of QUAL2K software version 2.11. The results showed different vertical dIstributions and t1ux of Ilutrients, where ill/lux tur ammonia and phosphate and an increase ill line with Illcreasmg sediment depth, while nitrate efflux and a decreased concentration. The flux calculation of nitrite as transitory nutrient was not done, but the concentration decreased after a depth of 2.5 cm. This indicates that the high contamination on the surface does not prevent the natUlal cbemical processes so the reclaimed region can still provide nutritional support for its organism.en
dc.publisherMakara Journal of Science
dc.titleVertical distribution and flux of Nutrients in the sediments of the Mangrove reclamation region of Muara Angke Kapuk, Jakartaen
dc.titleDistribusi Vertikal dan Fluks Nutrien padH Scdimen Mangrove di Kawasan Reklamasi Muara Angke Kapukid
dc.title.alternativeMakara Journal of Science vol 16 no 3en

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