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dc.contributor.advisorDarmawati, Emmy
dc.contributor.authorWahyuningtyas, Riska Dwi
dc.description.abstractStar fruit (Averrhoa carambola L.) has very thin skin so that fruit need to get better handling in the distribution process. Based on the idea, this research conducted by using corrugated fiberboard packaging with two types of filler materials like foam net and paper wrap. Final design of packaging consist of two main parts namely outer packaging with the dimension (36 x 36 x 14) cm and inner packaging with the dimension (17 x 17 x 13) cm. The number of pieces in one package were 16 fruits. Type of fiberboard used for packaging is flute C for outer packaging and flute B for inner packaging with the addition 1% of ventilation area of the wall packaging. Based on the result of mechanical damage level, the damage level of star fruit which was packed with foam net was smaller than a fruit was packed with paper wrap. Nevertheless paper wrap material filler was able to protect the fruit during storage at temperature of 10 0C and give better conditions until the end of storage than foam net so the paper wrap material filler was suitable to be used for distributing star fruiten
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectpackaging, fiberboard, mechanical damage, and star fruiten
dc.subjectstar fruiten
dc.subjectmechanical damageen
dc.titleRancangan Kemasan Karton Bergelombang dengan Bahan Pengisi untuk Buah Belimbing (Averrhoa carambola L.)en

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