Anatomy, Phisiology and Pharmacology: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 139
Potensi Ekstrak Etanol Buah Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L) sebagai Antipiretik dengan Tikus Putih sebagai Model
(2014)Antipyretic is a group of drugs that are used to decrease high body temperature due to fever. This study was conducted to determine the potential of ethanol extract of belimbing wuluh as a natural antipyretic by using male ... -
Morfologi dan histomorfometri testis dan epididymis kambing kacang (Capra sp.) dan domba lokal (Ovis sp.)
(2000)This research was conducted to obsurve the comparation of morphology and histomorphometry of testicular and epididymal tissues of kacang goats and local sheep at the same age (1-1.5 years old). The data were collected under ... -
The effectivity of CR1aa medium on in vitro maturation, fertilization and early embryo development of goat oocyte
(2003)The aim of present study was to compare different media for supporting in vitro maturation, fertilization and early embryo development of goat oocyte. Two kinds of media, namely TCM199 and CR1aaa media were used for in ... -
Offspring born from chimeras reconstructed from parthenogenetic and in vitro fertilized bovine embryos
(1999)Chimeric embryos were produced by aggregation of parthenogenetic (Japanese Red breed) and in vitro fertilized (Holstein breed) bovine embryos at the Yamaguchi Research Station in Japan and by aggregation of parthenogenetic ... -
The use of frozen-thawed spermatozoa obtained from alloplastic spermatocele for intracytoplasmic sperm injection
(2000)This present study investigated the effectiveness of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) using cryopreserved spermatozoa aspirated from alloplastic spermatocele for the treatment of 2 couples that were infertile due ... -
Kloning embrio dengan pembuatan kembar identik melalui rekayasa embrio
(1999)Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengembangkan produksi embrio kambing melalui teknik fertilisasi in vitro serta produksi embrio kembar melalui metode bedah mikro. Produksi e mbrio secara in vitro dilakukan dengan melakukan ... -
Perkembangan oosit kambing setelah maturasi fertilisasi dan kultur in vitro
(2000)Developmental competence of caprine oocyte after in vitro maturation, fertilization and culture was evaluated in this study. Oocytes were collected from ovaries obtained from local slaughterhouse by aspiration of the ... -
Pengaruh suplementasi follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) dalam TCM-199 terhadap perkembangan ovarium kepiting bakau (scylla spp) in vitro
(1994)The aim of thi s research was to determine the effect of stimulating hormone (FSH) supplementation in TCM-199 on mud crab (Scylla serrata) ovarian maturation. This in vitro study showed that 0.01 mg ... -
Pemakaian ethylen glycol dan glycerol untuk vitrifikasi embrio kambing in vitro
(1990)Telah dilakukan penclitian untuk mclihat ketahanan hidup dan viabilitas embrio sctclah vitrifikasi dalam medium yang mcngandung Ethylcn Glycol dan Glycerol. Embrio kambing dalam bcrbagai tahap perkembangan hasil ... -
Abnormalitas jumlah kromosom embrio tahap blastosis pada mencit dan manusia
(2001)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kejadian abnormalitas jumlah kromosom pada embrio mencit dan manusia tahap blastosis. Embrio mencit diperoleh setelah superovulasi, pada hari keempat kebuntingan (H-4) pada saat ... -
Sperm immobilization prior to intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and oocyte activation improves early development of microfertilized goat oocytes
(2001)A preliminary goat oocyte activation and intracytoplasmic sperm injection was evaluated in this study.Immature goat oocytes were cultured in TCM-199 supplemented with 10% goat serum for 27 hours for maturation at ... -
Chimera production by embryo aggregation method and cultured in vitro without zona pellucida in mice
(2001)The objective of this research was to study the developmental competence of single and aggregated embryos develop in vitro and in vivo in relation to the phenotypically aspects of the chimeric mice. Chimeric embryos ... -
In vitro maturation and fertilization of ovine oocytes in a system with absence of 5% C02
(2001)In vitro maturation and fertilization or ovine oocytes in system with absence or C02 was studied. The cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) were matured in four different maturation medium, namely:a). TCM-199 only, b).TCM-199 ... -
The effectivity of CR1aa medium on in vitro maturation fertilization and early embryo development of goat oocyte
(2003)The aim of the present study was to compare different media for supporting in vitro maturation, fertilization and early embryo development of goat oocyte. Two kinds of media, namely TCM 199 and CR1aa media were used for ... -
Daya hidup sperma epididimis domba setelah disimpan pada suhu rendah (5°c)
(2004)The purpose of this research was to evaluate the viability of ram epididymal sperm collected from fresh caudal epididymis (H-0) or after storage in low temperature (50C. in refrigerator)for one (H-1). two (H-2). and ... -
Preservation of Garut rams spermatozoon as a source of male germ plasm
(2004)This study was conducted to examine the quality of ejaculated sperm by Garut rams to be used for artificial insemination (AI) and viability of sperm that were collected from preserved cauda epididymis (4°C up to 12 days) ...