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Serapan emisi CO2 dari cerobong industri susu melalui beberapa jenis mikroalga pada sistem airlift fotobioreaktor

dc.contributor.advisorRiani, Etty
dc.contributor.advisorSusilo, Setyo Budi
dc.contributor.advisorDamar, Ario
dc.contributor.authorRiyadi, Agung
dc.description.abstractThis research was conducted in the dairy industry in August 2010 until July 2011, with the aim to: (1) Evaluate the rate of CO2 uptake are several types of microalgae: Scenedesmus sp; Nannochloropsis sp; Chlorella sp and natural microalgae. (2) Evaluate the feasibility of airlift photobioreactor microalgae in the industry through the power sim models. Calculation of absortion of CO2 is based the on dry weight of the biomass and the calculation of the ideal gas equation. Based on the dry weight of the biomass is to assume that each gas CO2 is used for photosynthesis to produce microalgae biomass. The dry weight of the microalgae biomass is considered equal to the weight of CO2 absorbed during the growth of the microalgae. Determination and calculation of economic profitability photobioreactor to determined the structure of the model is formulated in a dynamical system using the program Powersim V 2.5. The results show that there is a relationship between population of some species of microalgae with the rate of uptake CO2. Overall, the rate of uptake carbon dioxide of some microalgae species showed no difference in value, the value of F varian = 2.14. Chlorella sp was the highest in the rate of uptake CO2, that is equal to 0.809 g/liter/day, then Nannochloropsis sp with absorption rate of 0.793 g/liter/day, Scenedesmus sp 0.710 g/liter/day and microalgae from Cirata 0.609 gr/liter/day and without microalgae as a control is 0.1 g/liter/day. Simulation profitabilitas photobioreactor using the Powersim model, with harvesting system once every seven days continuously for 100 days with a five scenarios: (1) profit ratio 80% biofuel and 20% fish feed, (2) profit ratio 50% biofuel and 50% fish feed, (3) profit ratio 80% biofuel and 20% of fish feed, (4) 100% profit ratio to biofuels and (5) an increase in hight value of carbon dioxide scenario. Input modeling for each type of microalgae the rate of growth, as well as differences in uptake carbon dioxide and lipid. Profit that can be produced from microalgae for biodiesel, glycerol, dregs of microalgae extract can be used as fuel, feed the fish and the rate of uptake of carbon dioxide can be valued in dollars (carbon trading). While the requirement is calculated from the price of a photobioreactor, the price of fertilizer, and energy requirements (kWh) required to produce 1 liter of biodiesel. Simulation scenarios with 100% profit biofuel crop every 7 days for 100 days with the allocation to biodiesel, glycerol, fuel and CO2 uptake and fertilizer regardless of the reactor. Type Botryococcus braunii has the highest profit of Rp. 749.601, then the profit of Chlorella sp Rp. 654.779, Nannochloropsis sp Rp. 613.662, Scenedesmus sp Rp. 522.870 and natural microalgae Rp. 453.652. Application of microalgae photobioreactor technology to absorb carbon dioxide in the industry and the utilization of microalgae biomass for other uses is possible applied in industry. Government's role in reducing carbon dioxide coming out of the chimney industry is very important, necessary measures to be the main attraction so that the industry can use technology biological carbon capture and storage (CCS) such as through tax incentives and program performance rating (PROPER) in the industry.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectcarbon dioxideen
dc.subjectdynamic modelen
dc.titleUptake of carbon dioxide emissions by some type of microalgae through the chimney milk industri with airlift photobioreactor systemen
dc.titleSerapan emisi CO2 dari cerobong industri susu melalui beberapa jenis mikroalga pada sistem airlift fotobioreaktor

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