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dc.contributor.authorRohaeti, Eti
dc.contributor.authorSoebrata, Betty Marita
dc.contributor.authorFuri, Putri Ratna
dc.contributor.authorBatubara, Irmanida
dc.descriptionInternational Conference on Basic Science (ICBS)en
dc.description.abstractChromium especially hexavalent chromium is hazardous /0 aliI' health. becallse il is carcinogenic. Therefore, chromium in drinking Imter should be minimized /0 less Ih(/n 50 fig. L One way to decrease chromium contenl is using solid phase extraction silch as zeolites. Zeolites \ias mod(fied calionic surj(u:lanl hex(ldecyllrimelhylamonillfll brOil/ide (HDTl..1ABr) 10 increase ils adsolplion capacily. Adsorplion capacily of Cr(V/) onlo zeoliles \ias 1.90 mg(f!;, when pH Cr(V/) solutions ,HIS 3 and con/act lillie was 18 hours. Adsorption Cr(V/) ill/o zeolites jo//oll'ed Freundlich isolherm eqUaIioll. The hest ad.l·olplion capacily of IfDT?lABr (40.99 mglg) onto zeolites was achieved l111en IfDT!vfABr cO/lcentration Ims al 1000 ppm wilh cOli/act time 30 hOllrs. AdvOIplion HDT!l4ABr inlo zeolites jol/oll'ed Lallgmuir isotherlll c'l/llatioll. NoaH 0.5 M dan ;Va.~COl 0.28 l'vi (l: J vlv) mixtllre sollitiolls desOIped C,.(Vl) aholll 65.67% (by hatch eXlraetlOn) and 3.93% (by fixed-hed cxlraelion). Properl/(!s ojzeolile a/ier modified Illlh HDTA1ABr lI'cre ShOH'fI al 2856.33 and 2927.65 elll i peaks, originatedji-om CHi 011 HDTl"fABr.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesFebruari 2011;
dc.subjectpiper bettleen
dc.subjectpiper crocatumen
dc.subjectessential oilen
dc.subjecttyrosinase activityen
dc.titleDeveloping of Solid Phase Extraction Based on Zeolites : Case Studied Cr(VI)en

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