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dc.contributor.advisorKartika, Juang Gema
dc.contributor.authorSalsabilla, Ilsa
dc.description.abstractThe quality of Tapeinochilos anannaceae K. Schum (kasturi) as cut flower must be kept on freshness during the storage, so it needs to get a good post harvest treatment. One of the post harvest technology can be applied is 1- Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP). The position of flower at the storage can also affect the vase life of cut flowers. This experiments is aimed lengthen the vase life of kasturi cut flower by using 1-MCP, to get the optimum concentration of 1-MCP and to get the best storage position for prolonging the vase life of kasturi cut flower. The experiments was arranged in a randomized completely design with factorial pattern, consisted of two factors and ten replications. First factor was the concentration of 1-MCP, consisted of five levels: 0 ppm (A0), 0.1 ppm (A1), 0.2 ppm (A2), 0.3 ppm (A3), and 0.4 ppm (A4). The second factor was the storage in vertical and horizontal position. The results showed that application of 1-MCP can prolong the vase life of kasturi cut flower until 1.2-1.8 times compare without 1-MCP application. The combination of optimum treatment to extend vase life kasturi flowers cut is 1-MCP with 0.3 ppm concentration and stored in vertical position.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectvase lifeen
dc.subjectstorage positionen
dc.subjectAplikasi 1-Methylcyclopropeneen
dc.titleAplikasi 1-Methylcyclopropene untuk Meningkatkan Vase life Bunga Potong Tapeinochilos anannaceae K. Schumen

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