Upaya Peningkatan Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Konsumen Midori Japanese Restaurant
In this time, citizen consumption towards food more increase. This matter will be influenced by more the increasing of citizen need nutrition and nutrient. This phenomenon is followed with more restaurant as business caterers. Jakarta is one of the cities in Indonesia with a variety of diversity, including in terms of food. There are various kinds of foods sold in restaurants in Jakarta, both from within and outside the country. One of them is a unique Japanese food. Currently, the number of restaurants with a menu of Japanese food more and more in Jakarta. One of the restaurants that survive to this day is Midori Japanese Restaurant. In maintaining its business, restaurant need to explore consumer characteristics, consumer satisfaction, and consumer loyalty. So the restaurant can implement marketing strategies to maintain its business. This research commenced in March until May 2010. This research uses descriptive analysis for consumer characteristics and consumption decision making, Customer Satisfaction Index and Importance Performance Analysis to know the attributes improvements, and loyalty pyramid to determine the level of consumer loyalty. This research also provides recommendations that can be done marketing strategy restaurant. Result of this research describe that the consumer have satisfied by service and product in Midori Japanese Restaurant, but still have few attributes should be recovery for increasing Customer Satisfaction Index. Level of consumer loyalty in Midori Japanese Restaurant is commited buyer.