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dc.contributor.authorHerdiyeni, Yeni
dc.contributor.authorBuono, Agus
dc.contributor.authorLaxmi, Gibtha Fitri
dc.description.abstractinformation retrieval efficiency. Genetic algorithm is used to get the best of color at vector space mode/so The vector space models obtained from color extraction by-fuzzy color histogram. Under genetic algorithm, a chromosome represents each vector of color. These chromosome feed into genetic operator process such as selection, crossover, and mutation until maximum generation and find optimize chromosome for image retrieval. The optimal chromosome showed that chromosome with high similarity to query are more relevant to the query. Retrieval evaluation used average precision value for every recall value. Based on the experience the average precision using genetic algorithm is 66.65%. In addition, this result shows that genetic algorithm can be used in image retrieval. Keywords: content based image retrieval, genetic algorithm, fuzzy color histogram, cosine coefficient.en
dc.subjectcontent based image retrievalen
dc.subjectgenetic algorithmen
dc.subjectfuzzy color histogramen
dc.subjectcosine coefficienten
dc.titleImplementasi algoritma genetika pada temu kembali citra [Artikel Ilmiah]en

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