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dc.contributor.advisorAdisantoso, Julio
dc.contributor.authorHarsowiyono, Wahyu Dias
dc.description.abstractThis research did document retrieval by its scientific name as the search keywords. The approach was taken by using the phonetics algorithm, Soundex, Phonix, and Metaphone. The purpose of this research is to apply the three algorithms phonetic similarity with combined technique, in terms of using exact matching, binary (N-Grams), and levensthein distance. So that expected to overcome the issue by using the search word two syllables. Documents used in this research were 100 documents that have been tagged. The word that has been tagged will be converted into specific code in accordance with phonetic algorithms, which will be calculated similarity with the input word. Search scientific name combined with similarity techniques succeed to solve the problem, whether it’s wrong typing or spelling words wrong as well as similarities in handling the search by using two syllables. This is indicated by the percentage of average precision (AVP) from the search result is equal to 77.8% (Soundex), 88% (Phonix), and 97.5% (Metaphone).en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleSistem Temu Kembali Nama Ilmiah dengan Menggunakan Algoritme Fonetiken

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