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dc.contributor.authorWahyuningtyas, Rizka Fitriani
dc.description.abstractFungi is heterotroph organism and able to form a spore. Fungi be able to ride into the nursery through the seed and settled on the seedlings. One of the type is Fusarium sp., which can cause lodoh disease even the dead of the seedlings. Some controlling effort to those disease have been investigated and implemented, one of controlling way was using biological pesticide from betel leaves extract. Betel (Piper betle Linn.) was so popular among the society and commonly used as a herbs. This study shown that the pH addition, shaking the media and the betel leaves extract had a various effect toward the growth of Fusarium sp. On Potato Dextore Agar (PDA) and Potato Dextrose Broth (PDB) media Fusarium sp. grown around pH 4-8 with the best result for PDA on pH 6.8 and for PDB on pH 4. Biomass weight grown optimum on PDB media with the speed of 100 rpm shaking and EDS concentration that best hold up the growth of Fusarium sp. was at EDS concentration 40%.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectshaking mediaen
dc.subjectFusarium spen
dc.subjectbetel leavesen
dc.titlePengaruh pH dan Penggoyangan Media serta Ekstrak Daun Sirih (Piper betle Linn.) terhadap Pertumbuhan Fusarium sp.en

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