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dc.contributor.advisorPurwawangsa, Handian
dc.contributor.authorAtmadiputra, Andhi Reza
dc.description.abstractForest use can cause several impact. It can be a positive impact or negative impact. This impact will affect the life of people around the forest. Several impact that can be dealt by forest use can be devided into three aspects, economic aspect, social aspect, and environmental aspect. These impact will affect the life of people around the forest directly or indirectly. PT. PGE is one of the company that used forest for geothermal activity. This activity will cause several impact on people around the forest especially people that closed to the PT. PGE. Several vilages that affected by this impacts are Laksana Vilage, Ibun Vilage, Tanjungkarya Vilage, and Sukakarya Vilage. Acording to this research, several impact in social aspect has been found, there are social jelousy, and decline in social value. Another impact can be found in economic aspect, the people around the forest are still complained about the lack employment. There are also several impact in enviromental aspect, there are vibration and noise that disturb the people.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectpeople around the foresten
dc.subjectforest useen
dc.titleAnalisis Dampak Penggunaan Kawasan Hutan untuk Geothermal Terhadap Keadaan Sosial, Ekonomi, dan Lingkungan Masyarakat Sekitar Hutanen

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