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dc.contributor.advisorMunif, Abdul
dc.description.abstractMeloidogyne spp. is one of the important plant parasitic nematode on tomato causing root-knot disease. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of infusion of baglog oyster mushroom waste to control root-knot nematode Meloidogyne spp. on tomato. The Baglog oyster mushroom waste that used in this study is baglog of oyster mushroom that has been passed the generative phase and still contain the mycelium. A total of 8 kinds of infusion of baglog oyster mushroom waste with various compositions used in this study. Each infusion of baglog mushroom waste was applied with a different concentration namely 50%, 25%, and 5%. The fitotoxicity test of infusion of baglog oyster mushroom waste on tomato seedlings showed no toxicity effect on tomato plants. The application of infusion of baglog waste in the greenhouse showed that the infusion of baglog are able to suppress the formation of nematode-galls significantly compared to the control. The application of infusion of baglog of wet mushroom waste with 4 days aerated at concentration 5% is the most effective in suppressing the gall numbers. The result of in vitro test against the juveniles of nematodes showed that the infusion of baglog of mushroom waste may increase larvae inactive of Meloidogyne spp. compared to control. The results of in vitro test for nematode mortality showed that the treatment with infusion of baglog of wet oyster mushroom SBM 50% was able to increase the mortality of larvae up to 100% after 48 hours application. Based on these result it can be concluded that the infusion of baglog oyster mushroom waste have potential in controlling root-knot nematode Meloidogyne spp. on tomatoen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectMeloidogyne spp.en
dc.subjectmushroom wasteen
dc.titlePotensi Seduhan Limbah Baglog Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus ostratus) untuk Pengendalian Meloidogyne spp. pada Tanaman Tomaten

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