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dc.contributor.authorPuspitawati, Herien
dc.contributor.authorHerawati, Tin
dc.contributor.authorSarma, Ma'mun
dc.description.abstractIn order to increase the gender roles in many aspects of family livelihood, aJld to increase the ~. economic and cultural well-being of the family and c0l11111zmity level, this st1ldy aims to: (1) Analy:, characteristics and family economic sufficiency, (2) Analyze the gender roles in decision making and i), mentation of coping strategies, and (3) Allalyze factors affecting family well-being. The advantages o{ study are for the developm ent offami ly studies from gender analysis perspective and for the znputs of/a cOllnseling needs. The study was conducted at Hambaro Village, Sub-District of Nanggwzg, Distn.; Bogor-West Java Province in April to August 2008, by using a cross sectional study design. The loea_ of study was chosen purposively, The samples were 110 fanner families throllgh systematically rail.. sampling method. The result showed that the average of the wife'S education was low, with t/Ie leng~ education was 4.4 years. Almost half of the housewives were not working, and more than three-quarter 0 : husband were fanners. The average of monthly income per capita was Rp. 133,778,82, and the averag .. lIlonthly expendllllre per capita was Rp. 161142~96. ROllghly speaking, gender roles in decision nlt?k' and implementation of the family (as the composite factors of management aspect, a cutting back exper o strategy, and a generating income strategy) based on the gender partnership witiz the degree of intermeri! level. Finally, it was found that family subjective well-being was influenced indirectly by the high husba/! education level, the low family economic sufficient level, and the low partnership of gender roles i7l deci L making of coping strategies.en
dc.publisherPusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesejahteraan Sosial
dc.subjectgender rolesen
dc.subjectcoping strategiesen
dc.subjectfamily subjective quality of lifeen
dc.titleAnalisis Gender Terhadap Strategi Koping dan Kesejahteraan Keluargaen
dc.title.alternativeGender Analysis Toward Coping Strategies and Family Well-Beingen

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