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dc.contributor.advisorFaqih, Akhmad
dc.contributor.authorAriando, Wengki
dc.description.abstractClimate variability can be identified from the deviation or anomalous of climate variables, such as rainfall, air temperature or other variables in consequence of various climate controlling factors influence in a global, regional, and local scale. One of the driving factors is the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), which has a direct influence on rainfall variability. On the seasonal rainfall patterns, the correlation obtained is positive for MAM, JJA and SON, and negative for DJF. During JJA, rainfall and the number of visitors has a correlation 0.54 with confidence interval 95%. If the number of visitors is connected by the rainy day in JJA, correlation obtained is 0.7. In a grouping of a rainy day to the number of visitors, category that has great value for JJA is >10 mm/day. The correlation between the number of visitors with a series of maximum rainy days is of 0.82. The spatial distribution of the correlation of the number of visitors and sea surface temperature is positive for the East and North Indian Ocean region include Sumatera, while in the Pacific Ocean region of NINO 3 and NINO 4, the correlation is small. The climate variability analysis with the number of beach visitors shows the real influence to the tourism sector and the Padang’s income. This research indicates the importance of adaptation and anticipation strategy preparation for climate and its variability.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectTRMM rainfall.en
dc.subjectrainfall variabilityen
dc.subjectclimate variabilityen
dc.titleVariabilitas Iklim dan Pariwisata di Pantai Aia Manih Kota Padangen

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