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dc.contributor.advisorAdrianto, Hari Agung
dc.description.abstractRequirements of data from different party with various formats and locations are increasing. This interoperability issue appears in many cases of land cover information dissemination in Indonesia. To handle this problem, this research built a WebGIS application for land cover monitoring in Central Kalimantan Province using OpenGeo Suite 3.0. The software consists of three main components: database management system (DBMS), application server, and user interface. In the research, the data used was of shapefile format and stored in PostgreSQL/PostGIS DBMS. The elements of application server were GeoServer as a web map server and Apache web server. The user interface was built using the GeoExplorer as web-based software to compile and publish map mapping application. Users can use the system using a web browser and run various functions such as layer selection, ZoomIn, ZoomOut, and GetFeatureInfo. Users may also observe the changes of land cover manually.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectland coveren
dc.titleWebGIS Penutupan Lahan Kalimantan Tengah Menggunakan OpenGeo Suite 3.0en

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