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dc.contributor.advisorLubis, Djuara P.
dc.description.abstractThis research aimed to analyze the relation between teenager behaviors on community radio listening activity. This research goals are (1) to identify the pattern of listening activity on community radio among teenager (2) to analyze the relation between listeners characteristics and broadcast format assessment by listening community radio (3) to analyze the relation between community radio listeners pattern with the teenager behaviors, and (4) to identify the listeners expectations towards community radio. The main method of this research is quantitative approach, and qualitative approach as supporting. Research and observationshow that the teenagers who are listening to the BeTe community radio have low level of listening activity pattern. Affective level and social network were also relatively low. Related to the listeners characteristics, the research result showed that gender does not have any relation with the pattern of radio listening activity. Beside that, age, media ownership, and main activities have significant relation towards pattern of radio listening activity. To assess broadcast format variable, pshycological proximity does not have any relation significantly with the pattern of radio listening activity. In the pattern of radio listening activity variable which is consist of listening frequency, listening duration, program choices, participation on the program have significant relation with to point of view, affective, and social network of BeTe Radio listeners.en
dc.subjectcommunity radioen
dc.subjectlistening patternsen
dc.subjectteenager behaviorsen
dc.titlePerilaku Remaja dalam Mendengarkan Radio Komunitas (Kasus Pendengar BeTe Radio di Kelurahan Tegal Gundil, Kecamatan Bogor Utara, Kota Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat)en

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