Analisis Gender Terhadap Persepsi Sifat Kepribadian Individu Pada Mahasiswa IPB
ABSTRACT One of the purposes of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is to pursue the gender equality and women empowerment to eradicate the gender gap. Gender gap at family and community level has been formed by cultural construction through strereotype, marginalization and subordination. The objectives of the study are: (1) To describe the perception of personality, (2) To examine the difference of personality's perception between male and female responden, (3) To analyze the relationships between personality's components among male and female responden. The benefit of this study is to develop family studies from the perspective of gender analysis. The design of the study was a cross sectional stl.fdy by filling out the structured questionnaire by the students. The sample of the study was the undergraduate students of Bogor Agricultural University with the total of 146 students (43 men and 103 women). Data was analyzed by using SPSS Program. Results pointed out that male and female respondents had the same perception toward personality of individual. Thus, there was no difference between male and female respondents in viewing the perceptions' components of individual personality. Finally, there was indication that female respondents had more consistency in viewing the individual personality than male respondents, both feminin-introvert and masculine-extrovert character.