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Respon Pelaku Usaha Hutan Rakyat Terhadap Kebijakan Surat Keterangan Asal Usul Kayu (Studi Kasus di Desa Jugalajaya, Kecamatan Jasinga, Kabupaten Bogor)

dc.contributor.advisorNugroho, Bramasto
dc.contributor.authorArief Rifa‟i, Ikhsan
dc.description.abstractIn framework to support the movement of forestry sector with economic support of people are needed the recognition, protection and the orderly distribution of forest products from smallholder private forest by the Ministry of Forestry concerning the People's Wood Administration issued through the document of The Origin Certificate of Wood (SKAU). SKAU published by the Village Head or an equivalent officer of the Village Head in areas where the timber will be transported and aims to facilitate the public in transporting the forest products. This refers to the Minister of Forestry Regulation No. P.51/Menhut-II/2006, Number P.62/Menhut-II/2006 and Number P.33/Menhut-II/2007.The research was conducted in Jugalajaya Village, Jasinga District, Bogor Regency on May-June 2011. The method that used in this study is descriptive-qualitative. Data that was collected is primary data that consists of respondent data, the adoption process of SKAU policy implementation, public or peasants response and relevant stakeholders on the SKAU implementation policies, and problems in SKAU implementation. Secondary data that collected were general physical condition of research areas and the potential of smallholder private forest. The assessment of adoption process uses the theory of Rogers and Shoemaker (1971) which states that the adoption process consists of five stages: awareness stage, interest stage, evaluation stage, trial stage, and adoption stage. While the assessment of response uses the theory of Sajogyo and Pudjiwati (2002) which states that the response is divided into three kinds: positive response, negative response, and neutral response. The response shown by farmers on SKAU is negative, because from the five stages of adoption, only the awareness stage, interest stage, and evaluation stage was performed by farmers, while the trial stage and adoption stage not performed because the system of timber sales is through middlemen. The responses of middlemen/wood businesses and village officials to SKAU is neutral, because the five stages of adoption executed but not in accordance with the contents SKAU regulations. While the response of the forest department officials on SKAU were positive, because the five stages of adoption performed. Constraints faced in the implementation of SKAU: the SKAU documents itself, the wood sales system on smallholder private forest, the species of wood that being transported, and lack of socialization and supervision by the forest service officials.en
dc.subjectbusiness actorsen
dc.subjectsmallholder private foresten
dc.titleThe Response of Smallholder Private Forest Bussines Actors About The Origin Certificate of Wood (Case Studies in Jugalajaya Village, Jasinga District, Bogor Regency, West Java).en
dc.titleRespon Pelaku Usaha Hutan Rakyat Terhadap Kebijakan Surat Keterangan Asal Usul Kayu (Studi Kasus di Desa Jugalajaya, Kecamatan Jasinga, Kabupaten Bogor)

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