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dc.contributor.advisorRahayu, Cayuh
dc.contributor.advisorSetyaningsih, Dwi
dc.contributor.authorRadesiyani, Inggit
dc.description.abstractSeaweed (K. alvarezii) contains galactose that can be used as raw material for bioetanol production. Some yeasts were able to use galactose for carbon source and energy source as well as converts it into bioethanol. This study was aimed to screening Pachysolen tannophilus IPBCC y 11.1149, Pichia anomala IPBCC y 11.1182, and IPBCC y 11.1192, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae IPBCC y 03.545 in their ability to produce bioetanol from seaweed hydrolysate. Prior to screening, these yeasts were determined their ability to ferment glucose and galactose to bioetanol. All strain were able to convert glucose to bioetanol, but only two strains can use galactose. These were P. tannophilus and S. cerevisiae. These isolates were tested for their ability to produce bioetanol from seaweed hydrolysate. P. tannophilus was the potential one. P. tannophilus produce more ethanol volume (0.50%-1.18%) comparing to S. cerevisiae (0.05%-0.11%). The ethanol concentration from both strain were different, P. tannophilus showed ethanol concentration higher (0.50%-1.18%) than S. cerevisiae (0.05%-0.19%). P. tannophilus had the substrate efficiency 16.45%-24.38% and fermentation efficiency 12.16%-23.13% it was higher than S. cerevisiae which has 20.76%-22.6% and 1.18%-2.19% respectivelyen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectPichia anomalaen
dc.subjectPachysolen tannophilusen
dc.subjectSaccharomyces cerevisiaeen
dc.subjecthydrolysate of Kappaphycus alvareziien
dc.titlePotensi Khamir dalam Fermentasi Hidrolisat Rumput Laut (Kappaphycus alvarezii) Menjadi Bioetanolen

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