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dc.contributor.authorZain, Ahmad Shofiyullah
dc.description.abstractClimate change, that is marked by improvement of earth’s surface temperature (global warming), is caused by human activities that increase the emmision of greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere. These gasses includes carbondioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), sulphurous hexafluoride (SF6), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). Ignition of hydrocarbonic compounds such as fossil fuels (coal, petrol fuel, and natural gas) or biomass (wood) are human activity that could cause emmision of greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere and, further, global climate change. This research objective is to observe biomass and carbon mass root to shoot ratio of teak (Tectona grandis L. f). Observation was done to 30 samples of teak, consisting of 6 tree samples in each age group of 1 to 5 year old tree. Then, calculation of biomass and carbon mass of root, stem, branch, twig and leaf is done to each sample. Biomass root to shoot ratio of each samples were analyzed by comparing root biomass value to biomass main stem value, then recompares root biomass value to total surface (stem, branch, twig, and leaves) biomass. Carbon mass root to shoot ratio were calculated by dividing root carbon mass to main stem carbon mass, which then recalculated by dividing root carbon mass to surface carbon mass. Further, expansion factors are analyzed by comparing biomass and carbon value of surface section to main stem section of samples. Biomass root to shoot ratio based on main stem is about 0,1155-0,5048 (Average 0,2296), while based to surface biomass is about 0,1090-0,4317 (Average 0,1983). Carbon mass root to shoot ratio based on main stem is about 0,1159-0,5068 (Average 0,2320), while based to surface carbon mass is about 0,1111-0,4381 (Average 0,2030). Average expansion factor of biomass for age level I-V is 1.15, while average expansion factor of carbon mass for age level I-V is 1,13. Biomass root to shoot ratio and mass carbon root to shoot ratio is comparison biomass or mass carbon root value to biomass or carbon mass of the suface (stems branche, twig and leave). Biomass expansion factor or mass carbon expansion factors is the ratio of biomass or mass carbon whole parts of carbon tree to biomass or mass carbon on the stem.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectexpansion factoren
dc.subjectroot to shoot ratioen
dc.titleRoot to Shoot Ratio Biomassa dan Massa Karbon Pohon Jati (Tectona grandis L. f.) di KPH Balapulang, Perum Perhutani Unit I, Jawa Tengah.en

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