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Productivity improvement strategy for supporting national cane-sugar industrial cluster policy

dc.contributor.advisorE. Gumbira-Sa'id
dc.contributor.advisorRusastra, I Wayan
dc.contributor.authorSuhada, Bambang
dc.description.abstractIndonesian cane-sugar industry face several serious problems indicated by increasing of sugar imported amount of 1.27 million ton in the year 2006 compared with 1.49 million ton in 2007. If such condition continued, Indonesian sugar factories sustainability, esspecially those in BUMN affiliation will be threated. This research was aimed to formulate the strategy for productivity improvement of national cane-sugar industry. The stages of this research consisted of national cane-sugar factories performance evaluation, problem identification and strategy formulation on cane-sugar industrial productivity improvement. The methods used were institutional analysis and Interpretive Structural Modelling, Policy Analysis Matrix, Objective Matrix, Porter’s Diamond Model and SWOT-AHP. Survey, interviews and data collection for productivity measurement were conducted at four cane sugar factories, i.e. Gunung Madu, Bungamayang, Kebon Agung and Pesantren Baru cane sugar factories which represented national cane sugar industry. The results showed that natioan cane sugar industry productivity improvement can be reached through intensification of sugar cane cultivation through implementation of Good Agricultural Practises (GAP), improvement of factories efficiency through implementation of Good Manufacturing Practises (GMP), and sincronizing of government policy and regulation on national cane-sugar industral productivity improvement.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectProductivity Improvementen
dc.subjectcane-sugar industryen
dc.subjectindustrial clusteren
dc.subjectGood Agricultural Practices (GAP)en
dc.subjectGood Manufacturing Practices (GMP)en
dc.titleStrategi peningkatan produktivitas dalam mendukung kebijakan klaster industri gula tebu di Indonesiaid
dc.titleProductivity improvement strategy for supporting national cane-sugar industrial cluster policyen

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