Veterinary Clinic Reproduction and Pathology: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 127
(2008-08)For many Reasons, a lot of newborn kids have no access to their mother's colostrum and are therefore not protected against neonatal diseases. These problems may be avoided by giving an alternative soirce of immunoglobulin ... -
Bobot Badan, Indeks Massa Tubuh, dan Glukosa Darah Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca fascicularis) yang Diberi Pakan Berenergi Tinggi dan Nikotin Cair
(2013)Nikotin dengan dosis tertentu telah dilaporkan memiliki pengaruh terhadap penurunan nafsu makan pada tikus, tetapi belum pernah dilaporkan pada hewan model monyet ekor panjang. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk ... -
Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Minyak Jintan Hitam (Nigella sativa) terhadap Gambaran Histopatologi Organ Testis Mencit (Mus musculus)
(2011)This study was aimed to get information about Habbatussauda or blackseed (N. sativa) suplementation effect on mice testicle. Thirty six mices of 4 weeks were divided into four group, each group consists of nine mices. Group ... -
Aktivitas sediaan gel dari ekstrak lidah buaya (Aloe barbadensis Mill.) pada proses persembuhan luka mencit (Mus musculus albinus)
(2006)The purpose of this study was to examined the effectivity of Aloe vera gel formulation on the skin wound healing process based on the macroscopic and microscopic observation. Fourty five DDY strain, 6-8 weeks old mice were ... -
Kandungan Kimia Berbagai Ekstrak Daun Miana (Coleus Blumei Benth) Dan Efek Anthelmintiknya Terhadap Cacing Pita Pada Ayam Vol 11, No 2, 2006
(2006)Study on the chemical compound of painted nettle (Coleus blumei Benth) leave extract and its anthelmintic activity against chicken tapeworm were conducted. Leave of painted nettle were collected and extracted with hexane, ... -
Produksi Kolostrum Antivirus Avian Influenza Dalam Rangka Pengendalian Infeksi Virus Flu Burung Vol 13, No 2, 2008
(2008)This experiment was conducted to study the prospect of bovine colostrum utilization to produce specific antibody as passive immunotherapy against avian influenza. Pregnant Frisian Holstein cows were injected with commercial ... -
Koleksi sel telur dengan teknik laparoskopi untuk produksi embrio dan transfer embrio pada domba
(2007)An experiment was carried out to analyze the application of laparoscopic technique for oocyte collection, in vitro embryo production and embryo transfer in sheep. The first experiment was conducted to observe effect of ... -
Deteksi dini penyakit tumor sel darah myelosit leukosit melalui pemeriksaan ulas darah
(2007)Myelocytes blood cell tumor in chicken is a disease caused by retrovirus, avian leukosis virus subgroup J (ALV-3). The virus has the same group as human retrovirus (HIV) which caused AIDS, but the avian type possesses ... -
Efektivitas krioprotektan dan evaluasi kualitas spermatozoa hasil kriopreservasi sebagai kontribusi potensial preservasi genetika ayam hutan hijau yang ditangkarkan [Publication]
(2005)Teknik pembekuan semen dengan metode kriopreservasi secara rutin telah dilerapkan pada semen sapi dan terbatas pada domba dan kambing. Pembekuan semen menggunakan gliserol hasilnya baik, tetapi kemampuan fertilisasi ... -
Semen collection in the Sumatran rhinoceros (dicerorhinus sumatrensis, Fischer 1814) for breeding attempt to sustain biodiversity
(2004)Sumatran rhino is the most endangered rhino species. Population is less than 300 individuals estimated to remain in the wild with highly declining rate to 50% in the last 15 years. Assisted reproduction technology such as ... -
Sperm Morphological Assessments Of Fresian Holstein Bull Semen Collected From Three Artifical Insemination Centers In Indonesia
(2009)Morphologically abnormal sperm in semen has been associated with the sub fertility and sterility for many years. This study assessed the sperm morphology of Friesian Holstein bull semen which was collected from three ... -
Persentase "Edible Portion" Domba Yang Diberi Ampas Tahu Kering Dengan Aras Yang Berbeda
(2005)Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui persentase bagian tubuh yang dapat dimakan ("edible portion") domba lokal jantan akibat pemberian ampas tahu pada aras yang berbeda. Domba lokal jantan sebanyak 12 ekor yang berumur ... -
Pengaruh Tingkat Pemberian Ransum Dan Lama Penggemukan Terhadap Karakteristik Karkas Sapi Pesisir
(2005)Suatu penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh tingleat pemberian makanan dan lama penggemukan terhadap karakteristik karkas sapi Pesisir. Penelitian menggunakan 12 ekor sapi, yang secara acak dialokasikan dalam rancangan ... -
Uji banding empat bahan pengencer untuk preservasi semen anjing retriever
(2008)The quality of chilled semen depends on the composition of diluent. The choice of the buffer. anti-cold shock and nutrition sources can be the first decision in order to choose appropriate diluents. Nowadays a lot of diluent ... -
Kriopreservasi Semen Kuda Menggunakan Berbagai Krioprotektan Pada Pengencer Susu Skim
(2007)Cryoprotective agents (CPAs), protect the sperm during cryopreservation. There are two general classes of CPAs, at first penetrating cryoprotectants, these pass through the sperm membrane and act both intracellular and ... -
Effect Of Different Cryoprotective Agents On Skim Milk And Dimitropoulus Extender For Stallion Semen Cryopreservation
(2009)Cryoprotective agents (CPAs) protect sperm during cryopreservation. The objective of this study was to assess different CPAs on stallion semen cryopreservation. Skim milk (SM) and Dimitropoulos (DV) were the extenders used ... -
Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Daun Katuk Dalam Ransum Terhadap Produksi, Kadar Nitrogen, Dan Fosfor, dan Jumlah Koloni Mikroba Pada Peses Ayam Petelur
(2005)Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh pemberian ekstrak daun katuk (EDK) terbadap jumlah koloni mikrobia dalam feses dan kerabang telur, kadar nitrogen dan kadar fosfor dalam feses. Empat puluh delapan ekor ... -
Optimasi Kaulitas Semen Baku Domba Garut Melalui Penambahan Trehalosa Ke Dalam Pengencer Kuning Telur
(2005)Penelitian bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh penambahan trehalosa terhadap kualitas semen beku domba Garut. Semen dikoleksi seminggu sekali menggunakan vagina buatan dari enam ekor domba Garut jantan dewasa kelamin. Semen ...