Browsing Veterinary Clinic Reproduction and Pathology by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 127
Penelitian Sero-Epidemiologik dari Tripanosoma evansi pada Sapi dan Kerbau dengan Menggunakan "Card Agglutination Test (CATT) di Jawa barat, Indonesia
(1995)Seroepidemiological studies on surra was conducted in West Java. Blood ' samples were collected from 237 cattle and 48 bufhloes in 5 milk producer cooperation in Bogor, Sukabumi and also buffhlo b W samples fiom slaugtber ... -
Infeksi Dirofilaria immitis Anjing : Kjaian Patologik
(1995)Tiga ekor anjing yang terinfeksi secara alami oleh Dirofilaria Immitis (Di) menunjukan perubahan patologik sebagai berikut : ditemukan cacing dewasa pada ventikel dan dihiasi jantung kanan, pneumonia, limfadenitis, splenitis, ... -
Cacing jantung dirofilaria immitis pada anjing
(1995)Diroflaria immitis (D. immitis), khususnya pada anjing, telah banyak diteliti dan dihporkan, baik yang menyangkut tentang epidemiobgi, sifat peayalut, siklus hidup dan .penularan, sifat antigen, inferaksi parasit dan inang, ... -
Sero-Epidermiological Studies Of Trypanosoma Evansi By Using Card Agglutination Test (Catt) In West Java, Indonesia
(1995)Sem-epldemlological rtudka on s u m wna conducted in West Jnvr Blood samples were collected from 237 cattle and 48 buffaloes in 5 livestock mllk cooperntion in Bogor and vicinity, Sukabumi and buffaloes blood m p l e s ... -
Stud1 Perbandingan Tentang Kandungan Ca, P, Mg Dalam Pakan Dan Serum Sap1 Fh Bunting Antara Peternakan Skala Besar Dan Skala Kecil
(1996)The aim of this study was to investigate the content of serum minerals of FH cattle in different stage of pregnancy and of the feed given in the small and large farms. Sarnples were collected from the respective farms from ... -
Gambaran Patologi Beberapa Organ Tubuh Kambing Jantan Akibat Infeksi Haemonchus Contortus (Rudolphi, 1803)
(1996)Pathological aspects of abomasum, intestine, liver, spleen, heart , bone marrow and lymphnode caused by H. contortus were examined. Twelve bucks. six to eight month of ages were divided into 4 groups. which were infected ... -
Pembentukan Kelompok Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca fascicularis) yang Diintroduksi ke Pulau Tinjil, Jawa Barat
(1996)Between 1;ebruary 1488 and June 1941, 478 long-tailed macaques (58 males, 420 females) were released onto 'Tinjil Island to estahlisli a natural habitat breeding facility. The monkeys were released on 10 different occasions ... -
Fasciolasis Pada Domba Dan Kambing Di Rumah Potong Hewan Kotamadya Bogor
(1996)Telah dilakukan penelitian fasciolasis pada domba dan kambing yang dipotong & Rurnah Potong Hewan Kotamadya Bogor pada bulan November sarnpai Desember 1992. Sebanyak 192 ekor domba dan kambing telah diamati terhadap kejadian ... -
Patah Tulang Radius Pada Seekor Kuda Poni Mini Muda
(1997)Patah tulang tungkru / radius pada seekor kuda jarang sekali dan hampir tidak pernah ditangani lebih lanjut. Pada umumnya jalan pintas yang ditempuh dalam menangani patah tulang tungkai pada kuda adalah euthanasia. ... -
Isolat Strepcoccus agalactiae Asal Sapi Penderita Mastitis Subklinis : I. Ekspresi fenotip isolat inVitro
(1997)Thirty six isolates Streptococcus agalactiae from subclinical mastitis cattle in Bogor were esanlincd their phenotypic espressions such as hemolytic pattern. supernatant turbidity in liquid medium, and colony morphology ... -
Kasus Kolera pada Itik
(1997)Telah ditemukan kasus kolera pada itik yang diperiksa di Laboratorium Patologi Unggas, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, lnstitut Pertanian Bogor antara tahun 1992 hingga 1994. Kebanyakan itik terserang kolera yang akut, tanpa ... -
The effect of sperm-oocyte incubation time on in vitro embryo development using sperm from a tetraparental chimeric bull
(1997)The present study was designed as 5 X 4 factorial to investigate the effects of using sperm from 5 bulls, and varied sperm-oocyte incubation times (5, 10, 15 and 20 h) on the fertilization, cleavage rates and blastocyst ... -
The Possibility Of Using Vaccine To Control Bovine Subclinical Mastitis And Human Neonatal Infection Caused By Group B Streptococci
(1998)Based on the phenotypic expression, group B streptococci (GBS) can be devided into two distinct biovars, the bovine and the human biovar. GBS of bovine mostly grow as sediment with clear supernatant in fluid media, form ... -
Penyebaran dan Pencirian Histokimiawi Sel Mast pada Anjing
(1998)Mast cells occur in all vertebrate classes from fishes to mammals, but wide variation exist in their distribution, numbers, and intracellular constituent (Macy, 1986). They are classified into two subtypes, mucosal type ... -
Karakterisasi Faktor Virulen Streptococcus Sp. Grup C Asal Wabah Pada Kera Dan Babi Dl Bali Dan Beberapa Daerah Di Indonesia
(1998)Twenty seven isolates of group C streptococcus (SGC) onginated from pigs and monkeys fi-om Bali, three SGC lsolates of pigs from Eampung and two SGC isolates of pigs from Maros were re-isolated and identified as Streptococcus ... -
Kajian Pemberian Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (Hcg ) Pada Sap1 Perah Yang Telah Di Superovulasi Dengan Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropznmonoclonal Antibody (Pmsg-Moab) Anti- PMSG
(1998)The research was planned to yield the biologic potential synergism of MoAb-hCG in increasing the embryo number. Twenty five dairy cows were divided into five groups. The Control Group was superovulated with 2,500 IU PMSG ... -
Hubungan Antara Keberadaan Kapsul dengan Sifat Perlekatan Bakteri Streptokokus Grup B pada Deae-Sephacel
(1998)Determination of surface charge of group B streptococci by ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel revealed that bovine and human group B streptococcal isolates with protein rlvface antigens alone, or bacteria with ... -
Konfirmasi Keberadaan Cacing Dirofilaria Immitis Pada Anjing Berdasarkan Tanda-Tanda Klinik
(1998)Veterinary Clinic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Institut Pertanian Rogor were examined for suspected clinical signs of heartworm Dirofil~rrrtr inlnzitis infection, tested ~ l i t h VetRed' IIAilll 'l'cst and confirmed ... -
Fluktuasi Populasi Parasitoid Spalangiu endius (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) dari Lalat Pengganggu (Diptera: Muscidae) dalam Peternakan Ayam di Kabupaten Bogor
(1999)Penelitian telah dilakukan selama 12 bulan dalam tiga peternakan ayam petelur di Desa Kemang, Kecamatan Parung, Bogor yang berjarak 15 km dari Bogor. Sekitar lokasi peternakan ayam umumnya kebun aneka tanaman dan jauh dari ...