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The relationship between coffee consumption and blood pressure in the outpatient at Bogor Tengah community health center

dc.contributor.advisorEffendi, Yekti Hartati
dc.contributor.advisorBriawan, Dodik
dc.contributor.authorWahyuni, Tri
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research was to study the relationship pattern of coffee consumption with the incidence of hypertension in outpatient Bogor Tengah Community Health Center. The design of this study was Case Control in the ratio of cases and controls were 1:1 with a total of 160 subjects. The control subjects were defined who had blood pressure ≤120/≤80 mmHg, while the cases subjects had blood pressure ≥140/≥90 mmHg based on the doctor's diagnosis at least 1 month previously. Pattern coffee consumption data was collected through interviews using a questionnaire containing 15 questions. The habit of drinking coffee in the case group decreased after being diagnosed hypertension and showed a statistically significant difference (p<0,05). Coffee consumption more than 7 cups per week there is not statistically significant with the hypertension (OR=0,677; 95% CI: 0,333–1,378) (p>0,05).en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectcase control studyen
dc.titleHubungan konsumsi kopi dengan tekanan darah pada pasien rawat jalan puskesmas Bogor Tengahen
dc.titleThe relationship between coffee consumption and blood pressure in the outpatient at Bogor Tengah community health center

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